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The Assessment requires the development of a recorded group presentation based on analysis of a contemporary reward issue using theory and secondary research to develop solutions. The assessment will be based on one of the

7HURM018W Reward Management Assessment University of Westminster

Category Assignment Subject Management
University University of Westminster Module Title Reward Management

The Assessment

The Assessment requires the development of a recorded group presentation based on analysis of a contemporary reward issue using theory and secondary research to develop solutions. The assessment will be based on one of the following topics:

  1. Either: Analysis of the Gender Pay Gap of an organisation as reported on the Government web site which is chosen by the group including an evaluation of the solutions to close the GPG. 
  2. Or: Analysis of the pros and cons of the VLW rather than the national minimum wage in relation to a seminar case study or an organisation known to the group
  3. Or: Analysis of the benefits provided by an employer from either a seminar case study or one chosen by the group with recommendations on alternatives. 

Seminar case studies will be explored in the seminars for all three topics above which can be used in this coursework or students may choose an organisation known to them. The structure of the assessment could include an introduction to the issues, definition of the reward topic, background to the organisation, analysis of the current situation in relation to the reward issue using applicable theory with links to UN SDG Goals, potential options for future action with evaluation of each and recommended ways forward. Citations should be included in the Presentation and referenced in the final page. 

The presentation should be produced in Powerpoint or Canva with speaker notes in the footnotes. The assessment is based on individual assessment so the name of the speaker should be on each of their slides. One of the assessment criteria will be based on the depth of the overall findings of the group. The assessment criteria is based on the content of the presentation rather than communication skills involved in the delivery of the presentation. However the presentation would need to be sufficiently persuasive to advise the audience of the applicable options. There will be examples of presentations from previous years available although these will be on different reward topics. The case study explored in this coursework could be used in the second course work for the Reward Strategy task. 


  • To critically evaluate the theoretical and contemporary debates relevant to Reward Management (LO1)
  • To examine the role of Reward in promoting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (LO2)
  • Advise senior management on the relative advantages and disadvantages of different options of reward practices and processes (LO4
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