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Step 1: Choose one socio-environmental challenge that you want to explore for this paperand a place/scale to explore it. A list of potential topics are:– Decarbonization (breaking our reliance on fossil fuels)– Climate and environmental

Step 1: Choose one socio-environmental challenge that you want to explore for this paper
and a place/scale to explore it. A list of potential topics are:
– Decarbonization (breaking our reliance on fossil fuels)
– Climate and environmental justice
– Climate adaptation
– Waste and pollution from waste
– Deforestation
– Water pollution, water access
– Biodiversity and habitat loss
– Agriculture and conservation
– Air pollution
– Mining
– Informal settlements/lack of access to basic services
Step 2: Find a successful solution (proposed or implemented) for this challenge. Where has
it been proposed or implemented? What are the mechanisms for implementation (policy, prices,
advocacy, technology, science, or a combination) and who are the actors involved? Describe at
least one challenge for the solution to be implemented.
Step 3: Summarize a take-away argument from your analysis: How can this challenge be
overcome? This will be your conclusion.
Format of the paper:
1. Introduction (Suggested 2 paragraphs): In the introduction you give an overview of the
challenge, why it’s important using relevant statistics from reliable sources (remember
your paragraphs the first week of class!), and what you will propose in the paper. The
introduction is the road-map for the rest of the paper.
2. Background (Suggested 3 paragraphs) The background includes more information
about the challenge and why it is a challenge. Here you include at least 2 statistics about
the severity and importance of the challenge
3. Proposed or implemented solution (Suggested 3 paragraphs): This section should
provide an overview of the implemented or proposed solution and the mechanisms and
actors involved. Provide at least one challenge in widespread adoption of this solution
and potential opportunities for its adoption. There are great websites of solutions being
adopted all over the world. One I showed in class for cities was: WRI Ross Center Prize
for Cities. Another group that collects Seeds of a Good Anthropocene has a map of
projects all of the world.
4. Conclusion (Suggested 1 paragraph): The conclusion provides a recap of what you
presented in the paper and any final thoughts for how to solve this environmental
5. Literature cited: APA format reference list. At least four reputable, independent
references that support your approach and the analysis presented. Your bibliography will
not be considered as part of your word count.
● Word Count: Papers should be approximately 1,500 words (~5-6 pages double-spaced
without the reference list)
● Typewritten in 12-point font
● Double-spaced and paginated
● Contain proper grammar, syntax, and spelling
● Use at least FIVE keywords/concepts from class throughout the quarter. Put the words
or concepts in bold in the paper. The textbook can help quite a bit here since they put
their keywords in bold. But we went over other concepts in class and in other readings


Readings: Textbook, Ch 1, Ch 2 , CH456789101112131415

And I uploaded related materials, you can pick any 5 principles or keywords from that

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