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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your understanding of leadership by applying the concepts from class to your personal life and professional career. The paper

Leadership Effectiveness Paper and Visual Aid/Presentation (30% of the final grade):
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your understanding of leadership by applying the concepts from class to your personal life and professional career. The paper should present and explain your understanding of the concepts studied throughout the course and illustrate your plan of action as to how you will implement these concepts into your future leadership experiences.
All papers should be proofread, free of spelling/grammatical errors, include proper citations, and be in accordance with current APA standards.
Submission criteria: Provide a Cover sheet (Subject, Title, Course Number and Name) and a Table of Contents, 7 – 8 pages (numbered; Cover sheet, Table of Contents and References Page do not count), double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font, APA format, and integration of citations from any references used. Appropriate tables and figures may be used when warranted. A Reference List (a minimum of 1 reference which would be the DAFT Textbook.) Use paragraph headers to ensure you address all points and to assist your reader. The paper should have an Introduction paragraph, a Conclusion paragraph and contain the following five sections:
Section I: Leadership Importance
a. Importance of Effective Leadership
Explain the importance of effective leadership in organizations.
b. Leader Development
Explain how leaders can develop future leaders within their organization.
Section II: Leadership Concepts
a. Define and discuss three (3) major leadership concepts presented in the course that you find of great importance.
Section III: Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
a. Assess your strengths and weaknesses related to any the of the major leadership concepts that you defined and discussed in Section II.
Section IV: Leadership Plan
a. Consider your self-identified leadership strengths and weaknesses (re: Section III), then elaborate on how you may effectively employ your strengths while developing your leadership weaknesses.
Section V: Developing Others
a. Identify and explain how you plan to put into practice at least three (3) methods of developing others to improve their workplace effectiveness.
Book : The Leadership Experience-Richard L. Daft

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