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Provide a description of the new method of rehabilitation. · What does this method of rehabilitation provide that existing methods do not? ·

You may use the PowerPoint presentations and your textbook to guide your search and provide background information, however, you are required to use a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed research articles in your resources. The paper must be at least 3 full pages in length, doubled spaced, and using APA format. · Provide a description of the new method of rehabilitation. · What does this method of rehabilitation provide that existing methods do not? · What are the risks associated with the emerging method of rehabilitation? · What are the known limitations to this rehabilitation method? · Overall, does this rehabilitation method appear to be safe? Why or why not? · What is the best way to utilize this rehabilitation method? o Is it best used alone? With another method of rehabilitation? With medication? · Provide any additional information you find important or interesting.

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