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Explain what you find very clear and compelling in the ideas of postmodernism. • Determine the relationship between systems theories and postmodernism. • Explain how postmodernism and

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After viewing
the course resources for this week, prepare a written reflection that
addresses the following:

  • Explain what you find
    very clear and compelling in the ideas of postmodernism.
  • Determine the
    relationship between systems theories and postmodernism.
  • Explain how postmodernism
    and social constructionism inform your work as a marriage and family
  • Explore how postmodernism
    helps to facilitate conversations related to diversity, equity, and
  • Explain how the ideas of
    postmodernism relate to the recovery model.
  • Indicate anything you
    find confusing in the ideas of postmodernism.
  • Identify specific
    questions or concerns you have regarding the connections between
    postmodernism and MFT.

Length: 3-5 pages, not including
title or reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 3
scholarly resources.

Your reflection should demonstrate
thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by
providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your
response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure
to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Gergen, K. (1985). The social constructionist movement in modern psychology. American Psychologist, 40(3), 266-275.

Northcentral University Faculty (2019). An Introduction to MFT Systems Theory and Foundational Models. Glass, V. (2019). Postmodernism and Social Constructionism in Family Therapy. Read Chapter 15

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