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Your proposal should take the form of a four-episode written overview (4-5 pages) . Your written proposal should include an introduction and conclusion, and an overview or synopsis of four episodes

Your proposal should take the form of a four-episode written overview (4-5 pages) . Your written proposal should include an introduction and conclusion, and an overview or synopsis of four episodes (double-spaced). Your documentary video should include a written introduction and conclusion to the series as a whole, as well as a five-minute section of one episode (mp4). You can mostly rely on course resources for research, but you can conduct additional research in books and articles through the library catalog. You can use whatever citation style you are most familiar with for citing sources in your proposal. You can imagine that you are pitching Netflix, the Obama’s Higher Ground production company, or more likely PBS for financial support for your project. To get their support you must reflect on your own experience watching documentaries in the course to explain why this project is important, what purpose it will serve, and what contribution it will make (this is your argument). For documentary filmmakers, a proposal is the closest thing they create to a screenplay, and it is often described as “a space for the filmmaker to express their vision and communicate clearly to others how they intend to achieve it.” You will need to give a short synopsis of each episode in the four-part series, showing what part of the overall vision the episode will communicate, what the argument of the episode will be, and how you will share this with audiences through interviews, visuals, archival footage, etc. You can assume that any historian you would like to work with will be eager to participate! Here is this list of the documentary film that I had watched so far We Shall Remain: Trail of Tears Asian Americans Episode 1: Breaking Ground Coming Out Under Fire (Arthur Dong 1953) the Latino Americans Episode 2: Empire of Dreams Asian Americans | Episode 4: Generation Rising We Shall Remain: EP 05 Wounded Knee Making A Way Out of No Way Not Done: Women Remaking America The Book of this class is “A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America” – by Ronald Takaki I also drop the example and the rubric you can see below The due date is Sunday by 11:59 pm but you need to due it on Friday for me to review it.

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