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You will write a clear and concise paper identifying and describing the chosen problem you have decided to address through your change project. Describe the significance

You will write a clear and concise paper identifying and describing the chosen problem you have decided to address through your change project. Describe the significance of the evidence-based project that can be implemented in the selected setting to the nursing profession. Give a clear and explicit statement of the problem, including the target population and background information relative to the specific problem at your assigned clinic or hospital setting. Your paper should include your research question set up in PICOT format that will drive your change project throughout the course.

PICOT stands for:

●      Population/Patient Problem: Who is your patient?

●      Intervention: What do you plan to do for the patient?

●      Comparison: What is the alternative to your plan?

●      Outcome: What outcome do you seek?

Time: What is the time frame?

The paper should be at least three pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.

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