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Write a critical reflection of your learnings this semester about Indigenous culture, history and the current challenges facing Indigenous Australians. Your critical reflection should address the


This is an individual written reflection assessment. There are three (3) parts. You must address ALL three (3) parts. All parts should be written in the first-person (‘I…’, ‘my’).

Total word limit is 1200-1500 words, including in-text citations but excluding reference list.

Part 1.

Write a critical reflection of your learnings this semester about Indigenous culture, history and the current challenges facing Indigenous Australians. Your critical reflection should address the following reflective prompts:

  • What has resonated with you and made you think?
  • How has engaging in this unit changed your understanding and perspectives of Indigenous Australians?
  • How did your cultural background and identity influence your response to Assessment 1: Case Study – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament?

Source List

Your response to part 1 should draw upon the following sources:

  • Modules 3 and 7 learning materials and CAS tutorials in weeks 3 and 7;
  • The documentary Utopia;
  • Assessment 1: Case Study – your submission and feedback (marker’s, self and peer);
  • Please use the Assessment 1 sources we have provided.

(400-500 words)

Part 2.

Write a critical reflection of your learnings this semester about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the impact it has had on your understanding of responsible business decision-making. Your critical reflection should address the following reflective prompts:

  • How has engaging in this unit changed your understanding and perspectives of CSR and responsible business decision-making?
  • How do you think your cultural background and identity have influenced your understanding of CSR and responsible business decision-making?
  • When you were researching your chosen company and SDG for Assessment 2: Oral Presentation, what was the most interesting finding? Why did it resonate with you?
  • Do you think the broad or narrow view of CSR is preferable for companies? And why?

Source List

Your response to part 2 should draw upon the following sources:-

  • Modules 6, 8, 10 & 11 learning materials
  • Assessment 2: Individual Oral Presentation – your submission and feedback (marker’s, self and peer).

(400-500 words)

Part 3.

Write a critical reflection about your behaviour, actions and emotions in relation to your learning in this unit this semester. Your critical reflection should address the following reflective prompts:

  • What was your approach to learning at the start of the semester? Did it change over the course of the semester?
  • Choose a specific academic skill (e.g. academic writing, oral communication, critical thinking, referencing, emotional intelligence) and explain how you have developed this skill in this unit over the course of this semester. What worked and what did not? How will you apply this skill in your future career?

Source List

Your response to part 3 should draw upon the following sources:

  • Feedback (marker’s, self, peer)
  • Post-tutorial reflections
  • Learning materials from all modules and tutorials around communications skills

(400-500 words)

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