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Write a 5-7 page literary analysis argument essay in response to ONE of the prompts below. You will need to support your argument with analysis of specific examples from the text of the novel, as well as

Write a 5-7 page literary analysis argument essay in response to ONE of the prompts below. You will need to support your argument with analysis of specific examples from the text of the novel, as well as evidence from two literary criticism articles published in academic journals.

  1. Hamlet pretends he is mad (i.e. insane) to disguise his true intentions. Is he ever actually insane? Discuss the
    representation and significance of madness (i.e. insanity) in Hamlet. 2. Does Hamlet love Ophelia? Why does he treat her the way he does?
  2. Discuss the significance of spying and surveillance in Hamlet. 4. Discuss the representation and significance of the theater, theatricalism, and playacting in Hamlet.
  3. Discuss the representation and significance of jokes, joking, and play in Hamlet.
  4. Hamlet has been called the most self-conscious (i.e. self-aware) or inward-looking character ever created. Discuss the representation of Hamlet’s self-consciousness and its significance.
  5. Interpret Hamlet from a specific aspect of the psychoanalytic school of criticism. For example, you might examine Hamlet’s relationship with his mother from a Freudian point of view.
  6. Interpret Hamlet from the point of view of the Marxist school of criticism by examining the depiction of working class people, such as the guards, the Captain, the clowns (gravediggers) and Hamlet’s relationship to them. Are the characters depicted as decent or immoral, honest or corrupt, humane or savage, clever or foolish? How does their socioeconomic status impact their life experiences?
    Minimum Criteria (to earn a C or higher):
    ⚫ Thesis statement. This should be a statement that clearly offers some argument regarding an aspect the play (avoid merely summarizing the plot). Your thesis should come near the end of the first paragraph. With this essay, make sure to move beyond the “list thesis” (i.e. the listing of topics that will be discussed).
    . Well organized argument with….
    o Clear and logical paragraphing. This includes how the ideas are divided into paragraphs, the order of the ideas, topic sentences and transitions. Each paragraph should focus on just one idea, and the line of thought should be easy for a reader to follow.
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