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Work In Global Society Assessment 3:  Analysis of Contemporary Media Reporting on the World of Work  Assessment name: Assignment Task 3: Analysis of Contemporary Media Reporting on the World of Work

Work In Global Society

Assessment 3:  Analysis of Contemporary Media Reporting on the World of Work 

Assessment name: Assignment Task 3: Analysis of Contemporary Media Reporting on the World of Work

Weight: 40%

Assignment due date: The assignment should be completed progressively throughout the semester and submitted by 11:55 pm on Friday of week 13 (20 October). The assessment will normally be marked within 2 weeks.

Details: Analysis of Contemporary Media Reporting on the World of Work

Students will choose four media articles discussed in four different tutorials between week 2-12 and complete a template (see Canvas) for each individual article which asks them to:

*Identify the key ideas presented in the media article as they relate to concepts of work and employment raised in required course readings;

*Identify the benefits and/or challenges workers confront in the article, and how these connect with the required course readings for the topic;

*Reflect as a manager or policy maker and explain how appreciating worker interests as identified in the media report and required course readings might contribute to certain actions by you to address it.


Assessment criteria will be:

·        Ability to identify the different concepts and perspectives on the changing future of work and how they can be applied to understand the issues raised in the media article and required course readings.

·        Ability to clearly and concisely respond to the questions presented in the assignment template.

·        Ability to reflect as a manager or policy maker and explain how appreciating worker interests as identified in the media report and required course readings might contribute to certain actions to address it.


Assignment template:

Assignment 3 Template -2.docx Download Assignment 3 Template -2.docx 


Analysis of Contemporary Media Reporting on the World of Work (1)

Analysis of Contemporary Media Reporting on the World
of Work (1)




This criterion is linked to a learning

Identification of key arguments and
relevant concepts

10 to
>8.0 Pts


Main ideas
presented in media article are clearly outlined and presented and relevant
key concepts from course readings are concisely articulated.

8 to
>6.9 Pts


Main ideas
presented in media article are outlined and presented and relevant key
concepts from course readings are presented.

6.9 to
>5.9 Pts


Some of the
main ideas presented in media article are outlined and presented and some
relevant key concepts from course readings are presented.

5.9 to
>4.9 Pts


presented in media article are poorly outlined and presented and relevant
key concepts from course readings are poorly identified.

4.9 to
>0 Pts


presented in media article are not outlined or presented and relevant key
concepts from course readings are not identified.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning

Ability to apply different
perspectives and arguments to evaluate worker experiences

15 to
>11.9 Pts


Provided a thorough
evaluation of the arguments and evidence presented in the media article and
relevant readings.

11.9 to
>10.8 Pts


Provided an
evaluation of the arguments and evidence presented in the media article and
relevant readings.

10.8 to
>9.0 Pts


some evaluation of the arguments and evidence presented in the media
article and relevant readings.

9 to
>7.4 Pts


evaluation of the arguments and evidence presented in the media article and
relevant readings.

7.4 to
>0 Pts


No evaluation
of the arguments and evidence presented in the media article and relevant

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning

Ability to reflect on issues
identified in the media article and relevant readings and identify actions
managers or policy makers should take to resolve them

15 to
>11.9 Pts


insightful reflection on the media article and readings and puts forward
informed suggestions on how managers or policy makers can address concerns.

11.9 to
>10.8 Pts


reflection on the media article and readings and puts forward suggestions
on how managers or policy makers can address concerns.

10.8 to
>9.0 Pts


reflection on the media article and readings and some suggestions on how
managers or policy makers can address concerns.

9 to
>7.4 Pts


reflection on the media article and readings and limited suggestions on how
managers or policy makers can address concerns.

7.4 to
>0 Pts


No attempt
to reflect on the media article and readings or put forward informed
suggestions on how managers or policy makers can address concerns.

15 pts

Total points: 40



Tutorial Slides


Week 1

Work in a Global Society Topic 1 (part 1) (handouts).pptxDownload Work in a Global Society Topic 1 (part 1) (handouts).pptx

Work in a Global Society Topic 1 (part two) handout).pptx

WiGS Tutorial slides week 1 .pptx


Week 2

WiGS Topic 2 PPT.pptx

WiGS tute slides topic 2.pptx


Week 3

Work in a Global Society Topic 3 handout.pptx

WiGS tute slides topic 3.pptx

WiGS tute slides topic 3.pptx Download WiGS tute slides topic 3.pptx 

car industry roleplay activity WIGS-1.pptx



Week 4

WiGS Topic 4.pptx

WiGS Week 4 – Tutorial.pptx Download WiGS Week 4 – Tutorial.pptx 


Week 5

Topic 5.pptx

WiGS Week 5 (tute slides).pptx


Week 6

WiGS topic 6.ppt

Week 6 Gig economy tutorial.pptx


Week 7

WiGs topic 7 flexibility.pptx

Topic 7 flexibility – Tutorial.pptx


Week 8

WiGS- Week 8.pptx

WiGS Tutorial slides topic 8.pptx

The following research report provides a useful example of how to present your research findings and produce your final report:

Young Hopsitality Workers in Their Own Words (Report)Links to an external site.


Week 9

Topic 9.pptx

WiGS topic 9- tute slide-1.pptxDownload WiGS topic 9- tute slide-1.pptx

Digital TaylorismLinks to an external site.


Week 10

Topic 10 international labour standards.pptx

BUSM4558 topic 10 -Tute slides.pptx


Week 11

Topic 11 Jobs and Skills for the Future.pptx

WiGS Topic 11 Tutorial.pptxDownload WiGS Topic 11 Tutorial.pptx


Week 12

WiGS Week 12 Lecture.pptx

WiGS Topic 12 Tute.pptx


Reading List


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