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Topic: Have the laws and regulations passed as a result of the terrorist attacks

Topic: Have the laws and regulations passed as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 been helpful or hurtful to American society?
Your essay should be written in APA format.
Your essay should be a minimum of 3-4 pages of content. This excludes the required cover page for APA style and Works Cited page.
Your essay should have an appropriate APA style cover page and Works Cited page.
Your essay should include at least four sources. Three of those should be articles from our GMC databases and one should be your textbook for the course.  You may include others, but these are a minimum requirement and must be included to receive proper credit.
Your essay MUST INCLUDE IN-TEXT CITATIONS for information you pulled from your sources that is both quoted and paraphrased.
Your essay should contain no more than three direct quotes. The rest should be paraphrased and your own interpretations based on the sources.
Please complete 3 pages of content!! Excluding the cover page and works cited page. I already have approved work cited you are able to use as well as a thesis statement.

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