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This scenario is based on the simulated organisation Indigo Community Services and Health Hub. After working for a couple of weeks now, you have become familiar with the protocols and responsibilities. Yesterday, however, a couple

Assessment instructions

Table 1 Assessment instructions

Assessment details


event overview

The aim of this assessment is to assess your
knowledge and performance in the requirements of the unit.

This assessment is in 2 parts:

Part 1: Case study scenario on legal requirements

Part 2: Case study scenario on ethical requirements

And is supported by:

·       A submission checklist

·       Assessment feedback

This assessment may contain links to external resources.
Access to the long URL is provided via the External resources – Links and URLs section located at the end of this document.

Unit assessment guide

Refer to the unit assessment guide (UAG)
before attempting this assessment event. The UAG contains information
including assessment requirements and how to achieve a satisfactory result.

Submission instructions

When you complete this assessment, submit it for marking:

·       keep a copy of all the electronic
and hardcopy assessments you submit to TAFE NSW

·       make sure you have completed the
assessment declaration before you submit.

Task instructions

The assessor will use the criteria outlined in the following tasks to determine if you have satisfactorily completed this assessment event. Follow these instructions to ensure you demonstrate the required knowledge and skills.

Read the Case Study Scenario below and complete your responses to questions 1 – 5 in the spaces provided. Your answer should stay within the suggested word count where given.

For each question, your response must:

· address all parts of each question with examples as appropriate

· use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood

· provide references where required, using either the Harvard or APA style

Once completed, submit this assessment to your Teacher/Assessor for marking.

Case Study Scenario 1: Identifying and responding to legal requirements

This scenario is based on the simulated organisation Indigo Community Services and Health Hub.

This is your first day as a new employee with Indigo Community Services and Health hub, a large organisation that has multidisciplinary team providing holistic care to its clients. . You commence your day with an induction and orientation with Brandon, the administrative officer. He provides you with an information package including documents that relates to your duties, boundaries and responsibilities within your job role that you are required to read and sign. You have also been given access to a computer, and he shows you the files that relate to legal matters.

After your induction, you are partnered with Kristin, who will mentor you with your first visit to see a client. When you collect the client’s file, you note they are currently sitting on the front bench where there is public access. There is no one around to monitor visitors.

During your client visit, Kristin conducts an assessment of needs. During the assessment, the client tells Kristen that he is concerned about the pain in his leg wound, which is covered with a dressing. As this is not part of your job role, Kristin tells the client that she will notify the Registered Nurse at Indigo Community Services and Health Hub about it, so they can make a time to come and visit. At the end of the day, you are unsure if Kirstin reported the wound pain because there are no notes in the client’s files about it.

Short answer questions

Answer the questions in the tables and spaces provided.

1.     Explain how the organisational documents and professional requirements shown in the provided table help you do your job legally and ethically. Each response should be 30 – 50 words.

Table 2 Organisational documents and professional requirements

or requirement

it provides to enable you to do your job

Code of






Duty of




Health and Safety policies and procedures 


Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

2.     Why is it important that staff be able to access these documents during their employment? (Your answer must be 30 – 50 words.)



Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

3. Within the role of a support worker in a health and community service organisation:

a)      Identify 5 of your legal rightsthat must be implemented by the organisation.






b) Identify 5 legal responsibilities required of all support workers.







Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

4. In the provided scenario, there was a breach of client confidentiality.

a)       Identify what happened and why this was a breach. (Your answer must be 40 – 60 words.)





b)       Who would you report this breach too, and how would you report it?



Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

5.     Within the scenario there was also a breach of duty of care.

a)     Identify what happened and why this was a breach. (Your answer must be 40 – 60 words.)




b)     Who would you report this incident too, and how would you report it?



Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

Part 2: Ethical requirements

Read the Case Study Scenario below and complete your responses to questions 1 – 7 in the spaces provided.  Your answer should stay within the suggested word count where given.

For each question, your response must:

· address all parts of each question with examples as appropriate

· use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood

· provide references where required, using either the Harvard or APA style

Once completed, submit this assessment to your Teacher/Assessor for marking.

Case Study Scenario 2: Identifying and responding to legal requirements

This scenario is based on the simulated organisation Indigo Community Services and Health Hub.

After working for a couple of weeks now, you have become familiar with the protocols and responsibilities. Yesterday, however, a couple of incidents occurred that left you feeling concerned about the conduct of your colleague, Karen.

Your first client visit was to David, who requires support and monitoring as he manages his mental health illness. During the visit, Karen spent all the time talking to David’s partner, Henry. You overheard Karen tell Henry that she believes that she thinks that David should be taking cannabis oil and that the cannabis oil would probably work better than his medications. Karen also mentioned to Henry that she has a friend that sells the cannabis oil and gave Henry his number. Henry said he would call him tomorrow. Karen did not talk with David while she was there.

Your second visit was to Ben, who has not been attending school due to depression. Your requirements are to assist Ben with some work that the school has sent home. Karen, you and Ben sat down at the kitchen table and spread out the schoolbooks and a laptop. Karen then took a personal telephone call and stood outside talking for 15 minutes. You were left with Ben, who started to get frustrated with his schoolwork and then stood up and threw a chair across the room. Karen immediately ran to assess the situation and provided assistance and calmed Ben down. Ben insisted he was fine and would not do it again and was observed to have no injuries. Karen said she would deal with the paperwork later. You began to phone the supervisor to report the incident when Karen told you not to, as it was not necessary. She said, “Let’s just act like nothing happened, otherwise we’ll have so much more paperwork to do. Ben is fine. It was just a one-off thing – I’ll know to supervise him more carefully next time! Come on, let’s finish here quickly so we can get back to the centre and go home.”

Short answer questions

1.     Identify 4 of your own ethical values that you would apply to your working responsibilities as you support people in your job role to ensure non-judgemental practice. (Your response should be 20 – 40 words in total).







Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

2. In the table below, provide at least 2 practical examples of how you would apply the ethical requirement within the scope of your job role. (Eachanswer should be 20 – 40 words.)

Table 3 Ethical requirements


Example of
practical application

1. Every
human being, regardless of ethnicity, gender, beliefs, age, social status, or
other individual differences, has a right to maximise his or her potential,
providing it does not infringe upon the rights of others.


2. All
staff and volunteers must refrain from any personal behaviour which may
damage the community service work profession.


3. All
staff and volunteers should provide loyalty and support to colleagues where
this does not contradict the principles of ethical requirements.


Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

3. Identify 2 ethical issues from your client’s visits and for each issue, explain the reason why this cannot be overlooked. (Your answer must be 75 – 100 words.)








Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

4. You decide to discuss Ben’s incident, leaving a client, using personal mobile, and not reporting with Karen. Write what you would say to Karen, ensuring you are non-judgemental and avoid referring to your own values and attitudes. (Your answer must be 60 – 80 words.)






Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

5.     Karen becomes defensive when you talk to her and is annoyed that you see it “as such a big deal. Staff do it all the time. If you don’t, you’ll never get through all your work!” You don’t agree and can clearly see how the client’s level of risk could increase as a result. Identify 3 problem-solving techniques you could use to resolve this issue. (Your answer must be 50 – 70 words.)






Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

6. You decide you will need to report the 2 incidents to your supervisor: the conflict of interest and the near-miss with Ben. Outline how you would discuss this with the supervisor, including the setting and the language you would use. (Your answer must be 20 – 50 words.)





Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

7. There is a policy that covers using mobile phones at work, however, you found it a little confusing. Identify 3 potential feedback mechanisms you could use to give input into the review of workplace policies and procedures on this issue. (Your answer must be 20 – 40 words.)






Assessor feedback

☐ Satisfactory  ☐ Unsatisfactory

[Insert comments]

Submission checklist

Submit the following for marking:

☐   This completed Assessment event 2 of 3: Case study

☐   Written questions

Long URLs and permalinks are provided for access to content when the assessment is not used digitally, for example, not clickable.

Table 4 Long URLs



Learning Bank


NSW Assessment Guidelines


Research and
referencing skills


This page is not required for online assessment submissions.

Student assessment declaration

This assessment is my original work and has not been:

·       copied from any source without proper referencing

·       written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been approved by a teacher or assessor.

Student signature and date

Reasonable adjustment

☐Reasonable adjustment was in place for this assessment event.

If so, please provide details of any reasonable adjustment strategies that were implemented:

[Insert reasonable adjustment strategies]

Assessment outcome

☐Satisfactory    ☐Unsatisfactory


[Insert comments]

Assessor name, signature and date

Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome

[Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?]

Student name, signature and date

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