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This process will be anonymous and you are encouraged to give thoughtful and con

This process will be anonymous and you are encouraged to give thoughtful and constructive feedback. I am leaving the parameters of this assignment rather open as I would like you to focus your energy on the areas of the paper that you feel are needing the most work. Here are a few guidelines and suggestions:
It is not your job to correct grammar or spelling issues other than to suggest that the student focus more time on proofreading their paper for grammar or spelling mistakes. Instead, I want you to highlight the areas where you feel the paper is strong and those where you feel the paper needs more.
Your feedback can be written on the same Word doc as the student’s paper. Do not use the comment feature as it is not anonymous. Instead, add your comments and thoughts to the paper as text in an alternative color like red or yellow. 
Pay particular attention to whether the paper flows from paragraph to paragraph. Is it clear where the paper is coming from and where it is going, or are there awkward jumps from topic to topic?
Does the student use the literature to help explain and answer their research question, or does the cited literature seem awkwardly crammed into the paper with no real connection to its surroundings?
Are there gaps in the coverage of the research question? Can you think of additional areas that you would like to see covered in their paper?
Please be kind and supportive in your feedback and remember that your goal is to help your classmate make their paper stronger, not just to play the role of the mean judge on a reality show. 

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