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This assignment has two journal topics with multiple questions in each all relat

This assignment has two journal topics with multiple questions in each all relating to the same topic. I will provide the topics and questions below, as well as attach my notes from our class relating to these topics. There is a lot of notes but just control + find to search for the neccessary topics (Nature vs Nurture and the four attachment styles). Please clearly indicate which section of the response goes to each topic provided and make each response about 250 words. Feel free to reach out with any questions and I would be happy to assist in any way that I can. 
Topic 1: Nature and Nurture in Your Life 
In what ways have nature and nurture impacted your development? Do you possess any attributes that seem to be more clearly influenced by one factor over the other? Is there any way to tease apart what has resulted from nature and what has resulted in nurture in your own development? Write a 250 word journal entry addressing this topic.
Topic 2: What is Your Attachment Style? 
Write a journal entry exploring the importance of your early attachment to your current life. Which of the four styles of attachment do you believe you developed during infancy? What did your parents do to encourage this particular style? Do you believe that you now have an internal working model based on this early attachment that affects your current relationships? Why or why not?
Your journal entry should be at least 250 words. 

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