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The United States was forever changed by what took place from 1861 through 1865. What are the five most important events in American life during the years of the Civil War (1861–1

The United States was forever changed by what took place from 1861 through 1865. What are the five most important events in American life during the years of the Civil War (1861–1865)? For this assignment:

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation (5slides) that, in your opinion, outlines the five most important events.
  • Include your rationale for selection and keep in mind that events outside the battlefield should be included. For example, consider the lasting importance of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Maps, images, web site links, audio, and videos may all be used within your presentation to help support the case you make for these five events.
  • Your presentation must consist of more than merely a series of bullet points to earn full credit.
  • Use the Notes section for each slide to fully explain your answers.

This assignment should be in current APA Style with both a title slide and a reference list that includes all of the sources used. At least two scholarly sources should be used (your textbook can be one of the sources).

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