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The recommendation is to take notes while viewing the film so that you can have “talking points” for the paper. Movie Options Glory Road (2006) Without Limits (1998) A League of Their Own (1992) The Rookie (2002)

You will be required to view two of the films listed below. The first major part of the paper will be an analysis of each film individually, but the final section will be an integration of both films. The analysis paper should fit the formatting requirements listed below very closely to avoid grade penalties. The recommendation is to take notes while viewing the film so that you can have “talking points” for the paper. Movie Options Glory Road (2006) Without Limits (1998) A League of Their Own (1992) The Rookie (2002) McFarland (2015) Each of the movies listed above are available via YouTube for a small rental fee. Format/Length Single-spaced; 3500+ words; 12 pt Times New Roman font; exactly 1” margins on top/bottom and 1” on the sides; generally in APA style for sections/sub-sections; formal citations/references not required. Components The initial section of the paper should be a brief introduction that previews the paper (100+ words) and includes mention of both films to be reviewed (probably a single paragraph). The second section of the paper should provide separate reviews of both films (1000+ words x2) that focuses on the themes linked to sport psychology. Some of this space can be utilized to provide ‘facts’ about the film, but the objective is to discuss psych-related themes and to do so with considerable elaboration of concepts described in the course. The third section of the paper should endeavor to synthesize and evaluate sport psychology themes that are both unique to and shared within the films. This may include some measure of comparing and contrasting of the two films (1000+ words). Again, depth and analysis of course content is expected. The final section of the paper should provide a brief conclusion of the task completed and some brief closing remarks related to the experience of completing the assignment (100+ words). Each section should be clearly marked and should include a word count. Some flexibility will be afforded if the specific sections requested or recommended length minimums seem to restrict you significantly in completing the task. That is, by default I expect you to conform to the flow/formatting that is outlined, but reach out to me if you want to deviate from those guidelines to gain permission to do something outside of the requested format. Writing Themes The analysis should address all relevant course content including as many of the following as seems reasonable: aggression, anxiety, confidence, gender issues, motivation, parental/family involvement, teamwork, mental skills, leadership, coaching, teamwork, social factors, etc. The paper should assume the reader is familiar with the film and should avoid summarizing the storyline, characters, etc. and should instead focus on the psychological themes. Where reasonable the individual reviews and/or the synthesis should attempt to integrate concepts, theories, models, etc. from the text. Inclusion of personal experience as an athlete, or parent, etc. in the paper is encouraged, but personal experience should not dominate the discussion. Although providing a synopsis of some kind is an important part of the project, lower grades will be assigned to reviews that are primarily summaries of the movies. Higher grades will be assigned to reviews that provide insightful analyses of important psychological themes presented in class. Utilization of quotes is allowable but should be done very sparingly and only when the specific words are crucial to the point being made. A reference page is not required. Grading Criteria Formatting Considerations (5 pts) Length, margins, spacing, etc. Individual Movie Summaries (5 pts) Thorough, clear, evaluative Coverage of psych themes Not superficial; more than simple plots Synthesis (5 pts) In depth discussion of psych Reference to text/research Pulls two films together for psych analysis Writing Quality(5 pts) Coherence, flow, grammar, spelling, etc. Ease of reading

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