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The practitioners at the inner-city community-based HIV clinic noticed over the

The practitioners at the inner-city community-based HIV clinic noticed over the past year there has been a dramatic increase in the number of black adolescent girls who have been diagnosed with HIV. They wondered why that was happening and whether there were any interventions that address the unique needs of this population that might help lower the HIV infection rates in this population. The team came together to do an EBP project to determine what was in the literature and found very little addressing this issue. Therefore, the team decided to conduct research.
Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research. 
In this scenario, for what aspects of the issue would you use a qualitative research approach and for which aspects would you use a quantitative research approach? 
If you wanted to use the strongest quantitative methodology possible, what type of research study would you construct? Describe how sampling impacts the strength of the study design.

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