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The overall focus of this task is to identify the gaps and weaknesses in the brand audits you have been given (see Moodle). You must create slide deck that addresses these gaps / weaknesses by providing a comprehensive, up to date brand audit that


The overall focus of this task is to identify the gaps and weaknesses in the brand audits you have been given (see Moodle). You must create slide deck that addresses these gaps / weaknesses by providing a comprehensive, up to date brand audit that identifies if the brand has resonance and to what degree and based on this analysis recommend a brand strategy to either enhance, maintain or revitalize the brand.

In Moodle you will find copies of a number of brand audits for Aesop.

  1. Review all of these presentations and identify gaps and weakness in the brand audits slides
  2. Review material on brand audit; purpose, structure, deliverables. You are aiming to have a comprehensive understanding of a brand audit.
  3. Research further; what makes an effective brand audit? What are the essential elements of a brand audit? Common mistakes in completing a brand audit?

What you have to create

Create an annotated brand audit slide deck (max 40 slides) for Aesop for a marketing manager.

You will not present this information to the marketing. You will have the slide deck to them and leave the room. They will read the slide deck without you being present to explain it to them.

Therefore, your slides and annotation must provide a logical flow of information and analysis. Each slide/annotation MUST be linked to proving your conclusion, i.e. does your brand have resonance and if so to what degree?

  • Your annotated notes below your PowerPoint slide should expand beyond the points made on the slide (i.e., provide analysis, explain what are the implications or key insights tied to brand resonance).
  • The annotated notes must not be a repeat of what is on the slide or be an explanation / description of theory.
  1. Your slide deck must be a comprehensive and complete brand audit that corrects the short comings / flaws / gaps in the brand audits on Moodle.
  2. Your slide deck must include further research / up to date research regarding the Aesop brand, its products, competitors, etc.
  3. Address the question of brand resonance (see below)
  4. Recommend brand strategy to either enhance, maintain or revitalise the brand resonance.
  5. All research must be cited (APA 7th). Any work that is not your own must have a citation
  6. There must be a reference list.


DO NOT copy any slide from the past presentation. The slide deck provided has been uploaded to TURN IT IN so if you copy it will show up as plagiarism. Your job is to create a new slide deck.

DO NOT simply provide slide after slide of information. Consider the following when creating your slides and notes;

  • Do not simply copy the slides provided. They have been chosen because they are weak and have gaps in their logic, research (including no citations) and analysis.
  • What does ‘resonance’ mean in the context of this organisation and market? Why is resonance important for the brand? How can you show a link between your research/analysis and resonance?
  • What tools, concepts and/or frameworks can help you determine resonance? How can it be measured?
  • What data, research and analysis will demonstrate to the founders whether resonance exits or not?
  • Does the brand audit explicitly show whether brand resonance exists or not?
  • Based on your research and analysis, what are your recommended brand strategies to either enhance, maintain or revitalise the brand’s resonance?

What is an Annotated PowerPoint? See example at end of document

  • An annotated PowerPoint slide deck has notes below each slide. You can also use Google slides or Keynote.
  • PowerPoint – https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-speaker-notes-to-your-slides-26985155-35f5-45ba- 812b-e1bd3c48928e
  • Google slides https://support.google.com/docs/answer/1696787?co=GENIE.Platform=Desktop&hl=en
  • Keynote slides – https://support.apple.com/en-au/guide/keynote/tand1a4ee7c/mac
  • Your annotated notes below your PowerPoint slide should expand beyond the points made on the slide (i.e., provide analysis, explain what are the implications or key insights that can be inferred from the slides, link between this slide and the key points in the pitch slide).
  • The annotated notes must not be a repeat of what is on the slide or be an explanation / description of theory
  • There must be a clear and explicit link between slides; there must be a clear logic / narrative.

Create a .pdf of slides and annotate notes to be uploaded to Moodle

  • If you do not know how to print to slides with notes and convert them to .pdf then you will need to do some research, e.g. “how do I print/save/create .pdf speaker notes from Google slides?” or see – https://smallpdf.com/blog/how-to-save-powerpoint-as-pdf-with-notes.

Suggested structure

The information below is not a check list but some broad thoughts / ideas on what you might include in a brand audit focused on determining brand resonance.

Please do further research as to what is included in a brand audit. Do not explain theories/ concepts; apply them to create a relevant brand audit output.

You are expected to do further research on the structure of a brand audit. There is no single ‘right’ way or ‘right’ structure for a brand audit. Different authors and practitioners have different approaches. Research a wide range of structures to determine that will help you answer the questions set by the founders. Below is one possible structure you might follow.

Remember, your brand audit is focused on determining the state of the brand’s resonance.

In undertaking your brand audit, you are expected to access a broad range of sources to build a picture of the consumer perception and knowledge of the brand. For example, consumer reports, consumer groups, discussion group web sites, social media, magazines (lifestyle), newspapers (lifestyle and business sections), trade association report, press releases, etc.

  1. Title slide – Name of project / company name, student ID, tutorial day/time
  2. Pitch slide – (See explanation below). One slide and notes – 400 words maximum. Key insight / conclusion you developed as a result of your resonance focused brand audit.
  3. Brand inventory: all elements of the brand inventory must be linked to showing if the brand has resonances and if so to what degree?
  4. Brand Exploratory: all elements of the brand exploratory must be linked to showing if the brand has resonances and if so to what degree?
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