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The media and politicians have focussed on the issue of ‘boat people’, ‘queue jumpers’, ‘people smugglers’ and ways of ‘stemming the tide’ of arrivals. Are these campaigns simply part of policing illegal

Details of Task:

Research and write 2000 words responding to one of the essay questions below. Your central argument or response in relation to the essay question must be clearly supported by the use of evidence from two case studies from different parts of the world (cases or places of migration, situations in particular receiving or destination countries of migration or the experiences of particular groups of migrants). You must employ a relevant concept or theory or related theories that best frames your response and case studies. Your essay needs three elements: a response to the question, theory and case study evidence.

1. Response or Argument

You must provide a clear answer or argument in response to the essay question and maintain this position throughout the essay. You must support this with the theory you chose and case study evidence you must research and provide. When you provide this evidence make it clear what points you are trying to highlight with it.

2. Theory

You must link an explanation of your chosen concept or theory (or more than one) with your argument or response and highlight how these connect with the case studies presented. You many choose theory that has been covered in lectures, required readings or in previous assignments. You may also include theory presented as part of case study material that you find and use in your essay. As part of your explanation of the theory you may define key concepts and terms with reference to the literature (not dictionaries). This provides a basis for your analysis of your case studies.

3. Case studies

Use case studies to provide real-world evidence that supports the theory used and the response or argument in your essay. A case study should be a specific example, preferably an ethnographic study (of cases or places of migration, situations in particular receiving or destination countries of migration or the experiences of groups of migrants).

Research and Evidence

You must discuss and research each of these elements in relation to your question or topic. You must clearly reference any opinion, theory or evidence you present with relevant social science sources from academic books and journal articles found through independent research. Anthropology and migration studies sources are preferred. At least five (5) independent (not unit readings) sources should be referenced (and more than 20 is excessive). No marks will be awarded for relying solely on case study material taken from unit readings.

Personal opinion

Make sure you have evidence to back up any personal opinion you express or arguments you make. These will be examples from books and journal articles you have researched and should be properly referenced.

Essay Topics

  1. The media and politicians have focussed on the issue of ‘boat people’, ‘queue jumpers’, ‘people smugglers’ and ways of ‘stemming the tide’ of arrivals. Are these campaigns simply part of policing illegal behaviour or do they contribute to broader trends in the criminalisation of migration?
  2. Many female migrants from developing countries work as ‘maids’ in richer, developed countries. Does this employment offer them greater independence and opportunities, or is it exploitation?
  3. The presence of undocumented migrant workers has become an important political issue in many countries. How is illegality produced? What are the ramifications if or when undocumented migrants are treated as ‘illegals’?
  4. Many counties now have complex migration and border regimes that deter some migrants but encourage others. This has been described as a system of global apartheid. Do you agree?
  5. In what ways and due to which factors do migrants’ experiences of ‘home’ change when they leave their ‘homelands’?
  6. Some people in the West still draw on an assimilation paradigm when they voice concern about migrants’ continuing expression of Arab and Islamic culture. How else might we understand migrant cultural practices and processes of integration?
  7. Some analysts have argued that multicultural policies are the best way for countries to manage the cultural diversity resulting from large-scale migration. However, in some countries, multiculturalism has increasingly been seen as a cause of ethnic tensions and a threat to national cohesion. Discuss.
  8. Much recent migration research stresses the importance of transnational networks and practices. What are these new transnational forms of participation and do transnational solidarities undermine the nation-state and national harmony and security?
  9. Are contemporary anti-immigration movements simply reactions to globalisation and neo-liberal economic policies or are they based on something else?
  10. Some advocates suggest that what are seen as the problems of international migration might be solved by more holistic policies that also take account of global human development. Discuss this nexus between migration and development.
  11. Can migration and migration studies be decolonised and what steps must be taken for this to occur?
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