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The following course outcomes are being assessed in this assignment: *recognize connections among theories; *analyze/critique arguments & perspectives of research; synthesize ideas surrounding service programs.

Purpose of  this assignment:

In this assignment you will complete a chart documenting various aspects of a theories demonstrating your understanding of the theory, ability to apply/analysis the theory and synthesis theory information.


The following course outcomes are being assessed in this assignment: *recognize connections among theories; *analyze/critique arguments & perspectives of research; synthesize ideas surrounding service programs.

Resources needed:

To complete this assignment, please make sure you read the content provided in the course text. The theories/theorists you present must be from our course text. You will also need to use library/web resources to find articles to document implementation of theory in society.

Assignment Tasks & Points:

First submission:complete the chart on at least 2 theorists.

Provide an answer for all columns except the following: For A, B, & C you only need to provide an answer in 1 column. I provided an example in each column for your reference.

The Compare/Contrast Another Theorists column is only due in the second submission. All theorists in this chart must be presented in this course.

Second submission: complete the chart on at least 6 theorists. (The 2 theorists you had in your first submission can count as part of the 6. So you will submit on 4 new theorists.)

Provide an answer for all columns except the following: For A, B, & C you only need to provide an answer in 1 column. I provided an example in each column for your reference.

The Compare/Contrast Another Theorists column is due in the second submission. All theorists in this chart must be presented in this course.

I have provided an example that you may keep or you may remove from your chart. My example does not count as part of your submission.

You may choose to include Bronfenbrenner as one of your theorists and you must use different information that what I provided in the


Please complete chart based on any of these theorist: Maslow, Dewey, Montessori, Piaget, Vygotsky, Skinner,Bloom, Knowles, Bruner, Bandura


(For A, B, &
C you only have to answer 1 column. All other columns on this form are






Pts of Concepts (Key terms & pg #s)

from text or source (cite)

to early childhood development

Connection to development in school

Connection to development outside of educational setting

Connection to gender, social economic, culture, etc


with another theory (due on second submission only)

to article documenting implementation of theory

wonder, I want to see, I think, I wish…



Bio-ecological theory

direct interaction such as family; mesosystem- school/friend; exosystem-
parent’s job; macrosystem- culture of environment child living in;
chronosystem-world events- such as 9-11 and COVID

contemporary developmental psychology is the science of the strange behaviour
of children in strange situations with strange adults for the briefest
possible periods of time. (Bronfenbrenner, 1977; 513)” course text pg


Start- having services for families and children- address various systems

after school programs and connection to programs within community- connection
between systems

for community resources for some families to help and provide role models for
children that have same values as home

COVID have free breakfast and lunch for all children no matter social
economic status. This allows parents to not stress about one thing. COVID is
occurring at the chronosystem level and services being provided at the
mesosystem level

Connect with Maslow- need to support children in various systems
for example get resources needed at home in order to go to school and achieve



website through Cornell University- College of Human Ecology


can use this site to find research, videos, etc. all connected to this


can be found using Tarleton Library and then used to support
statements/connections I would make in my recommendations paper.


include information here that you can gain access to the entire article not
just a summary or abstract

my school district I wish there was more connection and understanding of the
stresses of parents and the needs for all voices to be heard. Having meetings
only at specific times and not allowing feedback to be received in other ways
is limiting to parents who work during the meeting hours. This is a
disconnect between the exosystem and the macrosystem.































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