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The causal loop is a commonly used systems thinking tool. For this proposal, you will create a draft of a casual loop diagram that applies to your program development. You can use PowerPoint (go to “Insert” then “SmartArt”)

To prepare:

Review the resources from Weeks 2 and 3 that relate to systems thinking and think about how you will apply systems thinking to your identified community health issue. The causal loop is a commonly used systems thinking tool. For this proposal, you will create a draft of a casual loop diagram that applies to your program development. You can use PowerPoint (go to “Insert” then “SmartArt”) to create your casual loop diagram and then copy and paste the graphic from PowerPoint into your paper. Please note that this draft casual loop will need to be revised and updated when you incorporate it into your final community plan, so be sure to think about this as you progress through the course.


Submit a proposal in the form of a 2- to 3-page paper explaining the community health problem you have chosen for your Final Project from the list provided in the Final Project Guidelines Document. This document is available in each week’s Learning Resources. The proposal must include the following:

· Describe the public health leadership problem and support why it is a problem including identifying how the problem relates to the Healthy People 2020 priority areas.

· Explain the importance of applying systems thinking to public health problems and briefly discuss one alternative systems thinking tool that you think could be applied to your proposal other than the causal loop.

· Create your causal loop and paste it into your paper.

· Describe how this causal loop applies to the program you are developing for your Final Project.

Learning Resources

· hi, L., & Johnson, J. A. (2021). Novick and Morrow’s public health administration: Principles for population-based management (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

o   Chapter 6, “Professionalism and Ethics in Public Health Practice and Management” (pp. 103-118)

· Jennings, B., Kahn, J., Mastroianni, A., & Parker, L. S. (Eds.). (2003). Ethics and public health: Model curriculumLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from https://s3.amazonaws.com/aspph-wp-production/app/uploads/2014/02/EthicsCurriculum.pdf

o   Module 4, “Community-Based Practice and Research: Collaboration and Sharing Power”

o   Module 5, “Ethics and Infectious Disease Control: STDs, HIV, TB”

o   Module 6, “Ethics of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention”

o   Module 7, “Ethical Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health”

o   Module 8, “Public Health Genetics: Screening Programs and Individual Testing/Counseling”

o   Module 9, “Public Health and Health System Reform: Access, Priority Setting, and Allocation of Resources”

· Peters, D. H. (2014). The application of systems thinking in health: Why use systems thinking?Links to an external site. Health Research Policy and Systems, 12, 51. doi:10.1186/1478-4505-12-51

· Public Health Leadership Society. (2002). Principles of the ethical practice of public healthLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from https://nnphi.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/PHLSposter-95321.pdf

· Thomas, J. (2004).Skills for the ethical practice of public healthLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from the National Network of Public Health Institutes: https://nnphi.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ph-code-of-ethics-skills-and-competencies-booklet.original.pdf

· Williams, B., & Hummelbrunner, R. (2011). Systems concepts in action: A practitioner’s toolkitLinks to an external site.. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books.

· Document: Final Project Guidelines (PDF)







This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Description of the public health
leadership problem and why it is a problem including identifying how the
problem relates to the Healthy People 2020 priority areas.(15 points)

15 to >14.0 pts


Fully developed and supported,
insightful, credible, and scholarly description of the public health
leadership problem and why it is a problem including identifying how the
problem relates to the Healthy People 2020 priority areas

14 to >13.0 pts

Very Good

Generally thorough, well
organized, and supported description of the public health leadership
problem and why it is a problem including identifying how the problem
relates to the Healthy People 2020 priority areas with minimal concerns

13 to >11.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Adequate description and support
of the public health leadership problem and why it is a problem including
identifying how the problem relates to the Healthy People 2020 priority
areas, but with infrequent and minor issues

11 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Missing, unoriginal, or does not
adequately describe the public health leadership problem and why it is a
problem including identifying how the problem relates to the Healthy People
2020 priority areas

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Explanation of the importance of
applying systems thinking to public health problems including one alternative
systems thinking tool that you think could be applied to your proposal other
than the causal loop.(20 points)

20 to >18.0 pts


Fully developed and supported,
insightful, credible, and scholarly explanation of the importance of
applying systems thinking to public health problems including one
alternative systems thinking tool that you think could be applied to your
proposal other than the causal loop

18 to >17.0 pts

Very Good

Generally thorough, well
organized, and supported explanation of the importance of applying systems
thinking to public health problems including one alternative systems
thinking tool that you think could be applied to your proposal other than
the causal loop, with minimal concerns

17 to >15.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Adequate explanation and support
of the importance of applying systems thinking to public health problems
including one alternative systems thinking tool that you think could be
applied to your proposal other than the causal loop, but with infrequent
and minor issues

15 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Missing, unoriginal, or does not
adequately explain the importance of applying systems thinking to public
health problems including one alternative systems thinking tool that you
think could be applied to your proposal other than the causal loop

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Causal loop and description of how
this causal loop applies to the program you are developing for your final
project.(20 points)

20 to >18.0 pts


Fully developed and supported,
insightful, credible, and scholarly description of your causal loop and how
this causal loop applies to the program you are developing for your final

18 to >17.0 pts

Very Good

Generally thorough, well
organized, and supported description of your causal loop and how this
causal loop applies to the program you are developing for your final
project, with minimal concerns

17 to >15.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Adequate description and support
of your causal loop and how this causal loop applies to the program you are
developing for your final project, but with infrequent and minor issues

15 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Missing, unoriginal, or does not
adequately describe your causal loop and how this causal loop applies to
the program you are developing for your final project

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a
Learning Outcome
Written Communication: Extent to
which writing is professional, appropriate, clear, properly formatted,
grammatically and structurally correct, synthesized, supported, and
scholarly.(10 points)

10 to >9.0 pts


Writing is fully developed,
exceptionally well organized, synthesized, supported, scholarly, and free
of writing errors. Concepts are connected throughout paper with appropriate
transitions and multiple appropriate resources and examples.

9 to >8.0 pts

Very Good

Writing is generally thorough
and grammatically correct, with proper formatting and minimal concerns.
Synthesis is demonstrated and ideas are supported without reliance on

8 to >7.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Writing adequately meets expectations
 for writing and synthesis but with infrequent and minor issues

7 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Writing does not meet basic
expectations (e.g. clarity, tone, organization, grammar, spelling,
punctuation, source citation, references, title page, synthesis of source
material, insufficient originality, etc.)

10 pts

Total Points: 65

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