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The aim of this assessment is to create a leadership development plan based on self-reflection, observations and discussions from lectures and Morals. Students are encouraged to draw on entries made in

The aim of this assessment is to create a leadership development plan based on self-reflection, observations and discussions from lectures and Morals. Students are encouraged to draw on entries made in their Leadership Journal throughout the course. This assessment takes a report format encompassing leadership strengths and development gaps, as well as an action plan focused on applying relevant course concepts in the workplace.

Key Requirements

The leadership development report should be 1500 words (+/- 10%) not including references or appendix, and consists of the following four sections

1. Introduction:

provides a brief personal background (eg, study, work and informal formal leadership experience) and the student’s future leadership aspirations or goals (eg, when and where they aspire to become leader) The introduction should also provide a brief overview of the report structure and key outcomes (eg, insights, conclusions, actions)

2 Leadership Self-Appraisal :

provides a snapshot of the student’s leadership strengths and opportunities for improvement. These should be drawn from the student’s Leadership Impact Reflection Journal and other sections from lectures and tutorials Importantly, this self-appraisal must be linked and referenced to relevant theories and frameworks presented throughout the course (eg, various leadership styles, motivation, managing conflict Students must also identify the major themes that emerge from this self-appraisal and where possible insert examples from their course or work experience to provide evidence for these observations Finally students should consider the implications of these themes, particularly in terms of work experience and career aspirations, that may reinforces their leadership aspirators

3 Leadership Development Plan:

identifies the key areas that need to be emphasized or leveraged (ie, strengths), and those requiring further development or practice (ie, weaknesses) Again, students should draw their Leadership Impact Reflection Journal and other reflections, as well as relevant theories and frameworks presented throughout the course. This section must also contain an action plan in table format. Ats minimum, his table must contain:

  • Column A Key leadership development goals. For example, “eam to effectively manage stress by improving my emotional intelligence within the next six months the end of Month
  • Column B. Related actions that will lead to achieving each goal. For example, by attending a workshop on developing emotional intelligence by the end of May.
  • Column C. Obstacles to achieving each goal. For example, 1 don’t have enough money to pay for a public workshop by the end of May
  • Column D. Sources of support for achieving each goal. For example, “The university is offering a subsidized workshop on developing emotional intelligence in April
  • Column E. Strategies to overcome obstacles (Column 5) For example, delaying my planned holiday during the Faster break and using the funds to attend the April workshop

4 Conclusion:

provides a brief summary of the overall leadership development goal, key insights, major strengths/gaps, and key actions.

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