Write My Paper Button

WhatsApp Widget

Task Description1. AWS DynamoDB1.1. Create a “login” table in DynamoDB containing 10 entities with the following attributes and values.

Assignment Task

Task Description
1. AWS DynamoDB
1.1. Create a “login” table in DynamoDB containing 10 entities with the following attributes and values.


1.2. Write a program to automatically create a table titled “music” in DynamoDB with the following Attributes (some attributes might not be used to implement any functionalities in the subsequent sections): title, artist, year, web_url, image_url
1.3. Write a program to automatically load the data from a1.json to your music table.
2. Write a program to automatically download all the artist images according to the image_url values in a1.json and upload the images into S3.
3. Login page
The login page contains an “Email” text field, a “Password” field, and a “Login” button as well as a register link. When user clicks the “Login” button, it will validate if the user- entered credentials match with the information stored in the login table.
If the user credential is invalid, the login page will display “email or password is invalid”; it will be redirected to the main page otherwise.
4. Register page
The register page contains an “Email” text field, a “Username” a “Password” field, and a “Register” button. When a user clicks the “Register” button, it will validate if the user- entered email matches with the email stored in the login table.
4.1. If the entered email matches with the email stored in the login table, the register page will show “The email already exists”.
4.2. If the entered email is unique, the new user information will be stored in the login table, and the user will be redirected to the login page, where user can login with the new email and password.

  1. Main page
    The main page contains three areas (a user area, a subscription area, and a query area) and a “Logout” link.
    5.1. After a user logs in, the user area will show the corresponding user_name.
    5.2. The subscription area
    5.2.1. The subscription area will show all the user subscribed music information (title, artist, and year) stored in DynamoDB.
    5.2.2. Each music information is followed by the corresponding artist image retrieved from S3 and a “Remove” button.
    5.2.3. If the user clicks a “Remove” button, the corresponding subscribed music information and artist information will be removed from the subscription area and the corresponding table in DynamoDB.
    5.3. The query area should contain three text areas, “Title”, “Year”, “Artist” and a “Query” button. The user may enter some information in any (or all) of these text areas and click the “Query” button,
    5.3.1. If the queried information is not contained in the entities’ corresponding attribute value(s) in the music table, it will show “No result is retrieved. Please query again”.
    5.3.2. If the queried information is contained in (one or more) entities’ corresponding attribute value(s) in the music table, the area will show All the retrieved music information (title, artist, and year).
    Note: If a user enters more than one query conditions, the query conditions are connected by “AND” operator(s) by default. Each music information is followed by the corresponding artist images retrieved from S3 and a “Subscribe” button. If the user clicks a “Subscribe” button, the subscribed music information and the corresponding artist image will be added into the subscription area and the subscribed music information will be stored in DynamoDB.
    5.4. If the user clicks the “Logout” link, the user will be redirected to the login page.

6. Advanced task: the use of API Gateway and Lambda functions.

The application needs to read and update the records (user, music, and subscription) in DynamoDB through API Gateway and Lambda function

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