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Task 1: A brief introduction about the organization Provide a brief introduction about the organization. For example, its nature of business, head office, number of employees, and so on. Task 2: How ethical is this company? Provide evidence of their ethical conduct by identifying their various policies. Explain why these policies are evidence of the degree of ethical conduct shown by the organization.

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Unit 1 Culminating activity: Manager in the workplace
This is your first assessment for feedback and a grade. This assessment is worth
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of your course grade.
In Unit 1, you covered the fundamentals of what it means for a manager to work in today’s modern workplace. You understood the role of a manager in an organization and the skills required to be successful. You took a look at communicating in a business setting, as well as the management of change, which is imperative for long-term success. Most importantly, you explored the importance of ethics. Ethics not only plays a major role in the daily decision making of employees within an organization but also drives the direction of an organization’s corporate social responsibility.
In your first culminating task, you are going to pull all of this together by conducting research on an organization and presenting it in a professional format.
Recall the research activity you did in Learning Activity 1.4 when you selected a good Canadian corporate citizen according to Corporate Knights. Feel free to use this organization once again for the culminating task. This time you will do more research on this organization’s success.
In addition to the information you have already researched, you will provide the information presented in the next activity.
Task 1: A brief introduction about the organization

Provide a brief introduction about the organization. For example, its nature of business, head office, number of employees, and so on.
Task 2: How ethical is this company?

Provide evidence of their ethical conduct by identifying their various policies. Explain why these policies are evidence of the degree of ethical conduct shown by the organization.
Task 3: Find a job posting from this organization for a manager

Provide a copy of the job advert and summarize in your own words the managerial skills and global competencies identified in the job requirements. Note that the skills and competencies may not be explicitly stated. It is up to you to make the connection. Alternatively, you can identify the organization’s change management strategies and provide evidence. Explain your examples by referring to the course content and additional readings.
Task 4: Present this information

You will present this information using any of the following options: presentation software (for example, PowerPoint, or Prezi), word processing software (MS Word), or a video montage (that is, a series of photos and text with music in the background). It is up to you!
Your teacher will assess your work using the rubric found below. Before submitting your assessment, review the rubric to ensure that you are meeting the success criteria to the best of your ability. Click on each tab to review the criteria.
Knowledge & Understanding
Success Criteria:
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● Task 1:
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● Students use terms correctly with accurate examples and appropriate explanation
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● Task 3:
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● Students accurately identify management skills and global competencies embedded in the job qualifications. Or alternatively, students accurately identify the organization’s change management strategies
Level 4
80-100% Level 3
70-79% Level 2
60-69% Level 1
With a high degree of effectiveness With considerable effectiveness With some effectiveness With limited effectiveness

Success Criteria:

● Task 1:

● Students provide sufficient information on their chosen organization to demonstrate a depth of understanding
● t
● Task 2:

● Students address ethics, policy, employee conduct, and so on, from multiple perspectives to demonstrate critical/creative thinking

Success Criteria:
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● Tasks 1, 2, and 3:
● Students make connections between and within various contexts (connections between business studies and personal experience, social and global challenges; multidisciplinary connections) with accuracy and relevance
● Task 4:
● Students apply their knowledge and skills to their choice of presentation appropriately

When you are ready, submit your assessment for feedback and a grade, by selecting the “Assignments” link and following the submission directions.

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