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Step 1: Complete the InteractiveLinks to an external site. to learn about the ro

Step 1: Complete the InteractiveLinks to an external site. to learn about the roles and responsibilities in urban planning. Then, read through each of the scenarios.
Step 2: Download and complete the assignment template Download assignment template.
Answer the questions for each scenario using the template provided. For each scenario, you will answer:
Which roles should be involved?
Note: There are at least two critical roles for each scenario.
What will those roles be responsible for as it pertains to the scenario?
Why is it important that each of those roles are included?
Be sure to provide specific details in your response.
Step 3: Submit your assignment in Canvas.
The following resources should be used in conjunction with the information you read in the interactive exercise. While some may be related to a specific state, similarities can be found across municipalities.
Nelson, K. L. & Svara, J. H. (2015). The Roles of Local Government Managers in Theory and Practice: A Centennial Perspective, Public Administration Review, 75(1), 49-61. https://doi.org/10.1111/puar.12296
Understanding Your City’s DepartmentsLinks to an external site.. League of California Cities.
(2018). Municipal Government StructureLinks to an external site.. Georgia Municipal Association.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Examine the key roles and responsibilities in urban planning.
View Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Examines the essential roles, responsibilities, and importance of those for scenario 1 (20%).
25 to >22.49 pts
Examined the essential roles, responsibilities, and importance of those for scenario 1.
22.49 to >19.99 pts
Correctly identified two or more essential roles. Responsibilities are listed but contain incorrect information.
19.99 to >17.49 pts
Needs Improvement
Identified one essential role but either lacks an examination of responsibilities or the responsibilities list are incorrect.
17.49 to >0 pts
Did not submit or did not identify any relevant roles.
/ 25 pts
Examines the essential roles, responsibilities, and importance of those for scenario 2 (20%).
25 to >22.49 pts
Examined the essential roles, responsibilities, and importance of those for scenario 2.
22.49 to >19.99 pts
Correctly identified two or more essential roles. Responsibilities are listed but contain incorrect information.
19.99 to >17.49 pts
Needs Improvement
Identified one essential role but no responsibilities.
17.49 to >0 pts
Did not submit or did not identify any relevant roles.
/ 25 pts
Examines the essential roles, responsibilities, and importance of those for scenario 3 (20%).
25 to >22.49 pts
Examined the essential roles, responsibilities, and importance of those for scenario 3.
22.49 to >19.99 pts
Correctly identified two or more essential roles. Responsibilities are listed but contain incorrect information.
19.99 to >17.49 pts
Needs Improvement
Identified one essential role but no responsibilities.
17.49 to >0 pts
Did not submit or did not identify any relevant roles.
/ 25 pts
Examines the essential roles, responsibilities, and importance of those for scenario 4 (20%).
25 to >22.49 pts
Examined the essential roles, responsibilities, and importance of those for scenario 4.
22.49 to >19.99 pts
Correctly identified two or more essential roles. Responsibilities are listed but contain incorrect information.
19.99 to >17.49 pts
Needs Improvement
Identified one essential role but no responsibilities.
17.49 to >0 pts
Did not submit or did not identify any relevant roles.
/ 25 pts
Produced writing that is clear and well organized. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Errors are minimal (0– 3) (20%).
25 to >22.48 pts
Produced writing that is clear and well organized. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Errors are minimal (0– 3).
22.48 to >19.98 pts
Produced writing that is clear and well organized. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There may be minor errors (4–5), but they do not impact the ability of the reader to understand the writing.
19.98 to >17.48 pts
Needs Improvement
Produced writing that attempts to be clear and well organized. Writing contains some errors in grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Overall, errors are moderate (6–7) and have some impact on the ability of the reader to understand the writing.
17.48 to >0 pts
Produced writing that lacks clarity and organization. There are significant issues with grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Overall, errors are significant (10 or more), and the reader will have difficulty understanding the writing.
/ 25 pts
Total Points: 0
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