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Sports and Entertainment Marketing Summative Working individually or in small groups (max three) you will be designing and promoting a magazine that will appeal to a specific target market. To get your magazine published you will need to complete the following steps:  Step 1 Produce a copy of t

Name: ______________________________ Date: ___________________________________

Sports and Entertainment Marketing Summative

Working individually or in small groups (max three) you will be designing and promoting a magazine that will appeal to a specific target market. To get your magazine published you will need to complete the following steps:

 Step 1 Produce a copy of the magazine’s first issue
 Step 2 Pitch your magazine idea to the top publisher in the Sport and Entertainment industry. (June 3- 4th)

 Appropriate magazine title
 Three detailed, well-written articles with additional features, (varies with group size)
 Visuals, appropriately cropped, high quality, and matching overall theme
 Key magazine elements headline, image, image caption, running head, byline, subhead, body copy, etc.
 Issue date and price are conveniently located on publication
 Barcode is used in convenient location
 Correct grammar/spelling
 Magazine must be printed In colour, attractive and professional in appearance
 specialty audience depending on magazine type (different demographics- men, women, different ages, occupations)
 Revenue producing advertisements
 Budget – cost to produce issue

Your magazine should be interesting, creative and colourful with pictures and text of what articles and features would be inside. Look at magazines to get ideas for yours. Your PP presentation should contain bulleted information about each of the 4 P’s for you to refer to during your presentation. Each person in your group must present some portion orally, work equally divided.

Magazine Launch Presentation

The 15-20-minute pitch will provide an agenda, the magazine’s cover page and a comprehensive outline of your magazine with its overall theme, marketing mix, market research (survey), budget advertising, branding, sales promotion etc. Prepare an exciting and interactive presentation for the audience to view.

• Name your magazine and explain its concept and content
• Briefly describe the magazine’s target market? (ie. Men, women, teens, children, the elderly, all ages, all genders)
• Explain what genre it is (sports, music, celebrity gossip, women’s health, men’s fitness, informational for a certain industry such as technology or business)
• Address the 4 P’s: where will you sell it and why? How much will it cost and why- some magazines have more pages and that is why they are more expensive)? How will you get the attention of your target audience? How will you compete with other magazines?
• Describe what continuing content will be inside that is in every issue (ie horoscope, advice column, recipes)

Instructions cont.

• Describe what feature stories will be inside that are new for each issue – news based, information based, editorial (opinion) based- and on what topic they are
• Make it colourful and appealing
• Describe the impact of this magazine on the target market and the magazine industry- What do we use it for? Does it have any public recognition? (awards, international use) Is it an industry leader?
• Your magazine cover may be in any of the applications software we have used.
• You must do a survey and Excel spreadsheet to show the research you have done. Include this and explain why you adhered to your findings or why you did not.

Key Areas
Marketing Mix”
Your task is to determine what the 4 P’s will be for this specific magazine.
• Product- what will it be, what will it look like? Demographics
• Place- where will you sell it and to who? (i.e. Is it print or on-line?)
• Price- too cheap, not enough advertisers in it; too expensive, people won’t buy it
• Promotion- how will you get the word out about your magazine?

Creating/ attracting good Advertising
 Effective, successful
 Sells product – makes profit

 create a brand identify that fits the target consumer market
 create logo and slogan and display prominently on magazine

Sales Promotion
 any attempt to sell a product
 include subscription deals, coupons, contests, premiums, samples, special events

Market Research
Create a survey of 10 questions to give to 10 people. Think about the information you will want to know and the most effective question styles to get that information. There is no point asking someone about magazines if they have never read one!!!

 Business Attire required
 Sign up on the teacher’s list with your group member’s names (max 3) and the type of magazine you will sell. Be ready on the ABSOLUTE DEADLINE date provided.

Presentation must be accurate, clear and concise. Your work must be neat and show attention to detail. Speak clearly and in a business-like fashion.

All students will submit their magazine on June 17, 2024. Presentation schedule will be pre-determined and this will be an absolute deadline.

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