Simple response to :
believe there is a link between extroversion and gaining leadership roles. The reason for this is that I believe those who are extroverted have more connections. Often if someone is more extroverted they can develop relationships that can help them get a leg up on others than solely on merit. I believe this can change by industry regarding leadership effectiveness and personality type. For instance, an extroverted salesperson may do better as they thrive in an environment of constant collaboration. However, for the arts as mentioned in the video, those introverted may be able to gain more creativity from isolation or working independently. Overall a worker who leans more extroverted may have a leg up as stated in the Tedtalk it seems that workplaces are designed to be for extroverts. I do not know necessarily if an overarching point of extroversion or introversion at a certain degree works in all situations. I do think different levels on both sides benefit in different industries
Question 2:
I believe organizations have personalities or cultures. For instance, think about a fraternal organization such as Free Masons or Knights of Columbus. These organizations display a certain Regallness and professionalism. Now compare for instance a high school football team, while the organization has many aspects similar to a fraternal order but a different culture. I therefore argue that the culture of an organization is the personality of any organization. Said culture develops and continuously changes over time just as an overarching culture for a nation does based on the circumstances of the environment. A culture then is a response that develops as individuals interact with one another.
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believe there is a link between extroversion and gaining l appeared first on