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Select two out of four journal articles uploaded and develop a essay by addressi

Select two out of four journal articles uploaded and develop a essay by addressing the following questions.  
1. Provide a brief summary of each article. 
2. Compare and contrast views and perspectives discussed in both articles. 
3. Discuss main contributions of each article to the knowledge of globalization or/and its driving forces. In other words, how does each article deal with the concept of globalization and its driving forces differently, compared to existing literature?
– All papers must use a minimum of 7 credible sources, preferably peer-reviewed journal articles. 
– Do not copy sentences and paragraphs directly from the original articles but paraphrase them using your own words.
– You MUST NOT cite online sources or any articles without year of publication and author’s name. Also, you should not cite Wikipedia and investopedia. 
– All papers must follow all APA requirements.
– Do not just provide your opinions but your essay must demonstrate mastery and accuracy of relevant economic concepts and theory to receive full credit.
Ardalan, K. (2017). Driving force of globalization: A multi-paradigmatic look. Research in International Business and Finance, 41, 480-492.
Choi, J., Jung, J., & Lee, S-W. (2013). What causes users to switch from a local to a global social network site? The cultural, social, economic, and motivational factors of Facebook’s globalization. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 2665-2673.
Lee, Esther, Hamelin, T., & Daugherty, J. (2016). Globalization of health service: sharing of best practices in perianesthesia nursing care, a case study of cross-border institutional collaboration. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 1-11.

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