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Screening Report #3 on Editing and Sound (25 points) Learning Goal: This assignm

Screening Report #3 on Editing and Sound (25 points)
Learning Goal:
This assignment asks you to evaluate the language of editing and sound in this week’s two films.
Your response should be at least 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point font (Just put your name at the top of the paper, NOT the date/title/etc.)
Due Sunday at 11:59PM
Answer all of the following prompts:
Both Psycho and Singing in the Rain establish a very specific tone within the first few minutes. Analyze the opening scene of both films in terms of the editing; what choices do you notice? Be detailed in your analysis; describe the transitions, relationship between shots, anything that stands out to you in terms of the editing. How do these choices establish the as a horror or musical? (10 points)
Singing in the Rain is a film that continues to inspire filmmakers. Watch this clip from Lala Land, looking for the filmmaker’s editing and sound choices. Compare these choices to a musical scene in Singing in the Rain (any one you want). Does Lala Land borrow any editing and sound stylistic choices? (5 points)
Psycho was remade by director Gus Van Sant in 1998. Watch his version of the shower scene and read this linked interview:
How did Van Sant treat the scene differently? Is this version of the scene as effective and scary as Hitchcock’s? (5 points)
Incorporate a minimum of 3 vocabulary terms from the readings in Chapter 6 and 7 in your analysis. Put these terms in bold so I can identify them. (5 points)

Proper spelling and grammar are part of this assignment.
Write in your own words (the assignments will go through SimCheck, a service that detects plagiarism).
The Rubric for how the points will be distributed is included is below.
Movie titles go in italics (not quotes, not bold).

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Learning Goal:
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