Readings from Norton Anthology: Review the Timeline (686-687) Poetry of Amy Lowell (Introduction-Picture of reading attached below), “The Captured Goddess”- Link: “Madonna of the Evening Flowers” Link: & “September, 1918” Link:
& Ezra Pound (Introduction- Picture of reading attached below) , “A Pact,”- Link: “In the Station of the Metro,”- Link: & “The River Merchant’s Wife” – Link: ); “Modernist Manifestos” (Picture attached for reading); & from A Retrospect- Link:
Read the preface to Some Imagist Poets by Amy Lowell.
Then respond***
Amy Lowell & Ezra Pound had very different ideas of what constituted an Imagist poetry, each expressed in the sources we have in front of us–essays from each writer & examples of their poetry. Using these texts, write one or two paragraphs that compare Pound’s & Lowell’s poetry. What do they have in common? What do you see that’s different? How might their differing opinions on/philosophies of poetry account for these differences?
*** Your answer should be formatted as one or two correctly punctuated & grammatically accurate paragraphs; you should have a quotation from at least two of the sources as evidence & an explanation of that quote as it relates to your answer. You do not need to complete a works cited, but do name the texts you are quoting & use in-text citations. Remember that quoting poetry requires a / to indicate line breaks,
An example: Emily Dickinson’s poem “202” is tongue-in-cheek, a single quatrain that takes on the idea of faith versus science directly: “But Microscopes are prudent / In an Emergency!” (87).
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