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Read the case study about David Jones and address the following questions/issues based on the case and further research: Mahar, K. L. (2017). David Jones. In D. M. Waddell, A. Creed, T. G. Cummings, & C. G. Worley,


1. Read the case study about David Jones and address the following questions/issues based on the case and further research:

Mahar, K. L. (2017). David Jones. In D. M. Waddell, A. Creed, T. G. Cummings, & C. G. Worley, Organisational Change: Development and Transformation. 6th ed. (pp. 459-463).  Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia.

2. Undertake the following tasks, providing clear, coherent, comprehensive, and logical discussions using theories and concepts learned in class. Use specific examples and justify any recommended strategies.

Support your answer with at least 12 authentic, updated, quality, peer-reviewed academic/research-based secondary resources and (e.g., textbooks, journals, official reports, newspapers) to support the points/arguments you make in your assessment.

Do not use Wikipedia, Wikis, BusinessDictionary.com and answers.com as secondary resources.

3. You are expected to use APA 7th edition referencing system to acknowledge the resources which you use to support your points in the discussion. This includes in-text citations and the list of references.

4. An electronic copy of the assessments must be submitted on Turnitin (via Moodle) by the due dates of the assessment.

5. Present this case study in a report format. Please label your answer for each question clearly. You are required to follow the guidelines, including the format. The word limits are suggested as a guide.

6. Complete the following assessment checklist for this assessment before submission. Please consult the Learning Advisors at the Learning Commons if you need support on the items listed below.

Your work should demonstrate the following:


Format, layout, and
report writing style




format (include the cover page, table of content, and reference list) 





Be word
processed on A4 paper

Use 1.5
line spacing

set at 1.5 cm

should be in font size 11 font. Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman

Page numbers




Headings and sub-headings to be in bold and numbered correctly

Correct and consistent decimal numbering system used

Spelling, punctuation, and grammar accurate

Paragraphs and complete sentences used

Wording used is right for the business context

Formal objective language used throughout

No personal pronouns or abbreviations included

Use of transitional signals and logical flow of content     

Fonts size, margins, headings




APA 7th edition referencing system




Support your answer with at least 12 authentic, updated, quality,
peer-reviewed/academic, updated, and relevant sources (e.g., textbooks,
journals, official documents, reports, newspapers).

Correct APA 7th referencing format in the reference list
& in-text citations



Remember that you are writing for the reader (someone else) not to yourself. So be clear in communicating your ideas, arguments, and facts.

Assignment 2 – Case study (Total Marks: 100 – weighting for course: 30%)



1.     Please number and put
sub-headings for each question and each key point in the question clearly.
Support your key points with relevant concepts/models/theories and company

2.     Study the questions, marking
sheet and marking rubrics provided carefully.

3.     Address all the questions and
issues raised.

4.     Make sure that you write
according to the allocated marks.




Marks allocated



Marks awarded and comments


Cover page




 Table of content




overview of this report:

company background (1 mark)

the purpose of this report (1 mark)

the key sections covered in this report (1 mark)





Research and
discuss David Jones’ current financial and operational situation.

(Research and discuss 2 aspects

X 3 marks each = 6 marks)





Based on
your evaluation of the ‘three-pronged approach’ suggested by Paul
Zahra, do you agree or disagree with the suggestions? Why? What would you do
differently and why?


  (Evaluate the ‘three-pronged approach’ for
6 marks) +

  (Agree/disagree with reason(s) for 2 mark)

  (Justify different idea/s for 4 marks) = 12





Evaluate THREE popular planned change models and suggest the
best planned change model that can be applied to the David Jones

case study. Justify your choice.


(Evaluate 3 planned change models X 4 marks
each = 12 marks) +

(Justify the best model for 4 marks) = 16





Which one of
the four ‘scale of change’ models best fit the changes made by David
Jones? Explain and justify your choice.

(Justify the
best model for 5 marks)




David Jones desires a strong online presence to
compete with other retailers. If you were responsible for this project,
suggest and justify the activities required to gain an online

(Suggest and justify 3 aspects of the activities X 4 marks each = 12





Suggest and justify how you would apply John Kotter’s 8-step model to
implement the activities you suggested in Q5, above.


(Suggest and justify application of the 8 steps of the model X 2 marks
each = 16 marks) 




Assume you are responsible to implement a particular change project in
David Jones in next 6 months. How would you apply a motivation theory/
to gain support from the staff and motivate them to implement this
change project? Justify your answer.  

discuss the change project for 3 marks) +

discuss the selected motivation model for 3 marks) +

and justify 3 applications of the selected motivation theory/model X 3 marks
each = 9 marks) =  15 marks





In order to implement any change programme, one must first conduct
proper research. Good research is the foundation for good                    decisions.

ONE (1) major qualitative method and ONE (1) major quantitative method
of data collection that you will use to decide

how to
apply the motivation theory/model in implementing the change project
discussed in Q8, above. 


(Evaluate 2 research methods X 5 marks each = 10 marks)




Conclude your key findings in each section of this report.







Please refer to the allocation of marks for each question and the marking rubric for details.



‘A’ Grade Description

‘B’ Grade Description

‘C’ Grade Description

‘D’ Grade Description

Question with 2 marks

2 marks

1.5 marks

1.0 mark

0-0.5 marks

Question with 3 marks

3 marks

2.0-2.5 marks

1.0-1.5 marks

0-0.5 marks

Question with 4 marks

3.5-4.0 marks

2.5-3.0 marks

1.5-2.0 marks

0-1.0 mark

Question with 5 marks

4.5-5.0 marks

3.0-4.0 marks

1.5-2.5 marks

0-1.0 mark



Ideas and understanding

Excels in responding to assessment tasks

Interesting; demonstrates development of
complex ideas

Appropriately limits and defines terms.
Central ideas are clearly and succinctly communicated

Understands and critically evaluates supporting
evidence /reference material


A sound course, responding to assessment

Attempts to define terms, not always

Clearly states central ideas, but may have
minor lapses in development

Begins to acknowledge the complexity of
central ideas and the possibility of other points of view

Shows careful reading of supporting
evidence/ reference material but may not evaluate them critically

Adequate, but less effective response to
assessment tasks

Presents central ideas in general terms,
occasionally depending on generalisations and/or dictionary definitions

Limited exploration of other points of

Shows basic comprehension of supporting
evidence /reference material with occasional lapses in understanding

Does not respond appropriately to the
assessment task

Lacks central ideas

Supporting evidence /reference material
misunderstood or inadequate

Ineffective development of ideas

Assessment too brief


Criterion  Two:


Uses citations appropriately and
effectively, providing sufficient evidence

Explanations supported and justified

Support points using a range of relevant

Begins to interpret and justify the
evidence, explaining connections between evidence and main ideas

Generalizations sometimes used to support

Sometimes depends on unsupported evidence
or personal experience

Occasionally assumes that evidence speaks
for itself and needs no application to the point being discussed

Occasional lapses in logic

Uses irrelevant or inadequate supporting
evidence /reference material throughout

Supporting evidence /reference material
consistently not acknowledged


Criterion Three:

Organisation and coherence

Uses logical structure appropriate to
assessment tasks

Transitional sentences often develop and
link ideas and identify their logical relations

Paragraphs have topic sentences guiding the
reader through the chain of reasoning or progression of ideas

Shows a logical progression of ideas and
uses transitional sentences

Some logical links may be faulty but each
paragraph clearly relates to central ideas

Occasionally lists ideas arranged randomly
(rather than using any evident logical structure)

While each paragraph may relate to central
idea, logic is not always clear

Arrangement of sentences within paragraphs
may occasionally lack coherence

Lacks organisation, paragraph coherence and
uses few or inappropriate transitional sentences

Paragraphs lack topic main ideas and may
not all relate to assessment tasks

Criterion Four:


Chooses words for their precise meaning and
uses discipline appropriate language

Writing style fits assessment task

Sentences are varied, yet clearly
structured, focused and succinct

Generally uses words and discipline
appropriate language accurately and effectively

Sentences generally clear, well-structured
and focused, though some sentences may be awkward or ineffective

Occasionally uses relatively vague and
simple words

May use some non-academic language

Sentence structure generally correct, but
sentences may occasionally be wordy, unfocused, repeatitive or confusing

Too vague and abstract

Overall, contains awkward or grammatically
incorrect sentences

Majority of sentence structure is too
simple with use of non-academic language

Criterion Five:


(Spelling, punctuation, grammar,
referencing and formatting)

Almost entirely free of mechanical errors

May contain mechanical errors, which may
distract the reader but not impede understanding

Contains several mechanical errors, which
may temporarily confuse the reader but not impede the overall understanding

Contains many mechanical errors that block
the reader’s understanding and ability to see connections between ideas

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