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Provide either closed captioning or a transcript of the presentation for access

Provide either closed captioning or a transcript of the presentation for accessibility. Ensure that all requirements for the presentation are met.

The content of the presentation must include the following:

  • A brief introduction
    • Devise a specific research question related to the topic you chose in Week 1.
    • Explain the importance of the topic and research question.
  • A brief literature review
    • Evaluate published research studies on your topic that you found during your work on the Annotated Bibliography assignment last week and identify two relevant published studies.
  • A description of potential methods
    • Create an appropriate research approach and design to investigate your research question based on what you have learned about research design options and requirements in this course.
    • Provide a rationale for your design choices.
  • A discussion on ethical issues
    • Apply ethical standards to the proposed research and identify potential ethical issues that would apply. Explain how you plan to address these issues.
  • A conclusion
    • Summarize the main points of the presentation and reiterate why the proposed research is important and why it should be carried out.

    Texbook: Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2023). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (6th ed.). SAGE.

    • Chapter 5: The Introduction
    • Chapter 6: The Purpose Statement

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