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Pick an ethical issue that is related to the criminal justice system. The focus of your paper are the following questions: 1) What is the practice in the US? 2) What are the

Ethics in CJ

CJS 340 – Spring 2023

Term Paper Assignment

You are expected to complete and turn in a term paper.  This is a position paper – you will be taking a side and arguing for something.

Pick an ethical issue that is related to the criminal justice system.  The focus of your paper are the following questions:

1) What is the practice in the US?

2) What are the arguments for and against this topic?

3) Is US policy on this particular topic ethical and moral?

4) If not, what is the moral and ethical thing to do?

Make sure to look at both sides of an issue; you need to include both arguments in your paper. Consider the steps and ideas on analyzing ethical issues from the book.

Topic ideas (not an exhaustive list):  death penalty, compassionate release, profiling, fleeing felon rule, use of drones in law enforcement, use of fire camps, use of informants, privatization of prisons, plea bargaining, police records access, work release programs

Things to note:

1)     Grammar matters. It is worth up to 25 points.

2)     Do not use “I” or “me.” Even though you are stating opinions, “I believe” or “I feel” is not appropriate. Think of this as something you would send to your representatives or some authority because you want them to look at the law, not something you would send to your friend or parent.

3)     If you state a fact in your paper, cite it following the allowable formats.

4)     You do not need to write an abstract or anything like that. All you need is a cover page, the paper itself, and your reference list.

5)     Remember that your textbook can be/is a reference. Do not make Wikipedia your first or only reference.  You need at least 3 references.

Your paper should be 3-7 pages long, typed, double-spaced with 12-point font and 1” margins.  You must use ASA or APA style for your citations.

You will be expected to provide progress on your paper during the semester.  Topics and outlines will be due on 2/17/23, and bibliographies and a rough draft will be due on 3/31/23.  You will receive 25 participation points if you turn both in.  Additionally, you must review the draft of one classmate by 4/14/23 to receive 25 participation points.

Your term paper will be due on Canvas, at 11:59pm on 4/28/23.  Penalties will apply if it is late.

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