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Part 1 – Poster Prepare an electronic poster (maximum of 600 words) using Powerpoint, together with a 5 minute video presentation for fellow managers entitled ‘

Part 1 – Poster

  • Prepare an electronic poster (maximum of 600 words) using Powerpoint, together with a 5 minute video presentation for fellow managers entitled ‘How You Manage Determines Your Success’.
  • Your poster should contain quotes or reference credible sources that explain the importance of emotional intelligence skills in the post-Covid world, making specific reference to hybrid working and managing a diverse workforce.
  • The links between how to manage and benefits such as improved wellbeing and performance, should be made clear.
  • You should create a poster that is visually attractive and engaging to line managers.

Guidance – poster

  • Make sure your content is relevant to the title. Be creative – the points below are only suggestions!
  • Try to convince managers that the way they behave is crucial to employee performance and their own success.
  • Refer to EI, compassionate management, wellbeing – definitions, frameworks
  • You need to explain why it’s important for a manager to have strong EI skills in the post Covid era – rise in remote/hybrid working, diverse workforce, changing employee expectations regarding how they should be treated.
  • Explain link between treating people with empathy and compassion, and employee wellbeing and performance.
  • Managers as role-models.
  • Design your poster in PowerPoint, using one slide.
  • Use intext citations on your poster and include a reference list in small writing (perhaps on the perimeter or at the bottom of the poster).

Supporting Presentation

  • You may use any medium you choose for your video, though you should be visible at some point in the presentation. In its simplest form, this could be recorded on your mobile phone.
  • You must upload a PowerPoint document that contains your poster (600 words) and a link to your video in the notes section.
  • A reference list should be included on your poster, in small writing, but if you use additional references in your presentation, please also include a full reference list in the notes section.
  • There is no need to upload separate speaker notes for your video.

Guidance – Presentation

  • The purpose of the presentation is to provide a verbal explanation that accompanies your poster.
  • You should address your audience directly and explain how they can use their EI skills to help employees feel supported.
  • Structure it well, with an introduction and summary that refers back to the title.
  • You should refer to literature ‘According to Goleman .
  • Do not read notes, try to be as natural as possible.
  • Think about how you are coming across – dress and behave in a professional way.
  • Imagine this is a training video that would appear with your poster on a company intranet.

Part 2 – Report

Your report should take into consideration the nature of the organisation and workforce and include the following:

  • A critical analysis of the link between wellbeing and individual/organisational performance.
  • A critical analysis of the skills managers need to support wellbeing, with a particular focus on emotional intelligence and compassionate management.
  • A critical analysis of the benefits of emotional intelligence skills and mindfulness in promoting wellbeing and performance in the general workforce.
  • Guidance for managers on developing their emotional intelligence skills in preparation for taking a more pro-active approach to employee wellbeing, including a reflection of your level of emotional intelligence (using the results of online quizzes) as well as a development plan. This last section can be written in the first person.

Remember the Context

  • You are a manager and you are addressing your peers
  • Company – an insurance firm in South Wales
  • Sales teams – don’t come into office
  • Customer Service/Support teams – some in office, some at home, some both
  • Employees on different contracts. There may also be those on maternity leave and sickness absence. Think about how best to manage younger employees, those nearing retirement, parents, carers
  • Diverse workforce, so inclusion should be a priority. Variety of needs – Equality Act 2010. Recent wellbeing issues – menopause
  • Recent challenges – pandemic, cost of living crisis, global conflict, advancements in technology Changing expectations of employees
  • Recruitment/retention difficulties

Point 1


A critical analysis of the link between wellbeing and individual/organisational performance.


  • Include models and frameworks
  • Use peer reviewed articles to support your points
  • Include organisational examples

Point 2

A critical analysis of the skills managers need to support wellbeing, with a particular focus on emotional intelligence and compassionate management.

  • This is your opportunity to explain the importance of EI skills – include frameworks.
  • Mention different leadership styles, but focus on compassionate management.
  • Think about how managers are able to do their job better with good EI skills
  • State why these skills are important in a post-Covid world

Point 3

A critical analysis of the benefits of emotional intelligence skills and mindfulness in promoting wellbeing and performance in the general workforce.

  • Think about the different needs of workers and the issues they may have
  • State how having good EI skills would benefit the different groups of workers, e.g. need for conflict resolution skills/empathy to deal with customers; teamwork skills
  • Discuss the benefits of mindfulness for different groups, including examples

Point 4

Guidance for managers on developing their emotional intelligence skills in preparation for taking a more pro-active approach to employee wellbeing, including a reflection of your level of emotional intelligence (using the results of online quizzes) as well as a development plan. This last section can be written in the first person.

  • State how managers can develop their EI skills
  • Reflect on your own level of EI – refer to reflective frameworks and then summarise the results of several quizzes
  • Produce a development plan (template on Moodle) – be specific and state
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