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Option Two: Explore of the History of an ECE Toy or Material This option involves creating a visual essay (you may want to review Froebel and Montes

Option Two: Explore of the History of an ECE Toy or Material

This option involves creating a visual essay (you may want to review Froebel and Montessori’s didactic toys and materials, and/or Caroline Pratt’s blocks, and/or Harriet Johnson “The art of block building” first). https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.89309/page/n3/mode/2up

In your visual essay:

Explain why you chose that particular toy or material to explore (e.g., blocks, dolls, doll-house, wood vs plastic, etc.).

Describe the historical development of the toy or material and connect it to the history of ECE (Note that even if the toy/material is relatively new you need to trace its history/origin). (i.e., Who invented it? Which of the ECE pioneers is connected to the invention of this toy or material? Where was it invented? How does it relate to the history of ECE and/or the history of childhood? How does it relate to ECE pedagogy/philosophy? What is the purpose of the toy or material and has its purpose changed over the course of history? How?)

Engage in a critical analysis the toy or material (e.g., What is its “educational” potential? Does it contribute to gender equality, ecological sustainability, imagination and creativity, movement and awareness, connection to place, culture, or community? How? Would you recommend this toy or material to educators/parents? Why or why not?)

Where possible, add images to create the visual element in the essay.

Your essay should be up to 7-10 pages (if it includes images), 1.5 minimum spacing, and include a minimum of 5 references (use mostly articles from peer-reviewed journals or book chapters, if using websites make sure information source is reliable, no Wikipedia), use APA reference style.

Evaluation Criteria for Assignment #2:

Coherence and Clarity: The assignment content clearly addresses the assignment purpose and/or guiding questions. The assignment’s components are linked together into a coherent, well-articulated thesis.

Analysis and Discussion: The paper goes beyond description and shows ability to use, analyze, and synthesize relevant concepts, theories, and ideas.

Voice: When relevant, the student takes a stance towards an issue, question, or a dilemma by employing scholarly resources to support his/her argument(s). Creativity of thought supported with strong arguments is welcomed.

Writing and Referencing: The writing style is adequate for an academic/university level course. Grammar, punctuation, and referencing style (preferably APA) are of high standard.

Grading Criteria for Assignment #2:

A (80% +)

Exceeds Expectations

Excellent connections to literature (arguments backed up by relevant, reliable resources).

Strong, clear writing, easy to understand and read, no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, use of APA to cite course content, readings, and peers   B (70-80%)

Fully Meets Expectations

Good connections to literature (most arguments backed up by relevant, reliable resources).

Fairly well written, easy to understand and read, minor spelling mistakes or grammatical errors; correct use of APA style to cite

C (60-70%)

Meets Expectations

Some connections to literature (arguments not consistently backed up by relevant, reliable resources). Written with a few spelling or grammatical errors; some areas may be difficult to understand; mostly correct use of APA style to cite

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