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Observation 1: Classroom Climate and Culture Upload a 15-20 minute YouTube video

Observation 1: Classroom Climate and Culture
Upload a 15-20 minute YouTube video clip already on YouTube that allows you to provide feedback to the teacher to help foster a respectful, nurturing, and positive learning environment for that specific class of students. The clip can be from the lesson’s beginning, middle, or end. The video must include a teacher and students in the classroom. Be sure to preview the Classroom Climate and Culture Rubric below for the indicators to look for before beginning your feedback.  You will not submit the Climate and Culture rubric use this for indicators.
Once you upload your clip, complete the comments and rubric on your own for your submission. You must have AT LEAST one comment AND one MARKER SET indicator for each minute of the video. Markers sets are customizable, color-coded labels that make giving feedback faster and easier. When completing the rubric, you must complete every comment box with specific TIME-STAMPED examples from the video as evidence. Please remember your feedback to this teacher is about the “Climate and Culture” Rubric.
Once completed, upload a pdf. of your comments by attaching the document in the COMMENTS SECTION OF THIS ASSIGNMENT IN THE GRADE BOOK.
(Because you are submitting your video through this assignment in GoReact, you cannot attach your pdf here)
GoREACT Directional Video in ZOOM  https://uncp.zoom.us/rec/share/iEl4VcpdWPJ77IYVd34hySDJBpA5m5AVBoJGCix5TIR4bvRzKoS2LkPGSM-ALWXR.bHOWPKSMJU5I3E_h?startTime=1719426936000Links to an external site. Passcode: n+U*3P8!

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Upload a 15-20 minute YouTube video appeared first on essaynook.com.

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