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Now that you’ve read Chapter 11 & 12 of the Crucible of Struggle (posted free on

Now that you’ve read Chapter 11 & 12 of the Crucible of Struggle (posted free on the previous page), I’d like you to imagine you were teaching this course.  What major issues between 1970-2020 would you include in your course materials? 
1. Pick three topics from this time period that you would like to discuss in this course. At least two of your picks must come from the Chapter 11 &12 reading- though if you have one issue that wasn’t addressed in the readings you can use that as your third. Remember it has to be on a topic between 1970-2020. It must relate to the Mexican American experience- and you need to clearly state how. 
2. Once you identify your three topics, briefly explain what they are in your own words, then tell us: why should these topics should be covered in this course? Do your topics connect to what we’ve talked about already in this course? Do any of them connect to your experiences or those of your family? 
This assignment should be between 200-400 words. Please use complete sentences, proper grammar, and correct punctuation. If you quote you must cite correctly your source. As always plagiarism will result in a zero. Do not copy and paste; you must provide original analysis and draw your own conclusions.
Connecting your discussion to the required primary sources, module lecture, module films, or the optional textbook is always recommended. Adding in quotes from these sources helps you provide more in depth analysis.

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