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Mini Mart Scheduling Major Project (25% of final Mark) This assignment is due on April 12th, 2025.  Use the Assignment drop-off defined under the title Group Projects on D2L. Using the Mini Mart drawings posted on D2L accompanying

Mini Mart Scheduling Major Project (25% of final Mark)

This assignment is due on April 12th, 2025.  Use the Assignment drop-off defined under the title Group Projects on D2L. Using the Mini Mart drawings posted on D2L accompanying this assignment:


  • You must schedule this project pre-construction commencing on March 3rd, 2025, and completed by November 14th, 2025.
  • Any National Holidays that cross your project should be scheduled as non-working days.
  • You must create a resource sheet that displays all resources allocated to the project.
  • All executable activities have resources assigned to them.  Remember nothing gets built without resources.
  • Provide a suitable WBS for the project.
  • For this assignment ensure that your tasks are structured such that they would correspond with a payment schedule that you would have set up with your different sub-contract agreements.  Make sure that you structure the accruals to correspond appropriately.  This applies to resources.
  • There should be no resource over allocations showing on the final project.
  • The project should be scheduled most efficiently, taking advantage of lead, lag, and concurrent scheduling while converting your estimated work hours to duration.
  • Once you complete the schedule, set the baseline.  Once completed then develop a status date of July 1st, 2025, and update the schedule to that date, when you are updating adjust the timing to indicate some issues that occurred. The issues will result in a delay of 2 weeks (you determine the issues).  Place a note on the activities to explain the reason for the delay.  Make sure when you update that the tasks are marked as complete up to the status date (mark on track).
  • Make sure that when you view your project in Network View, it makes sense, e.g., no activities left hanging with an open end.
  • Write a schedule narrative based on your updating and at your recovery, schedule as indicated by the template file provided.
  • On a separate file develop a recovery schedule that corresponds with your explanation developed in the schedule narrative and brings your schedule exactly back to the original baseline date.
  • Use the file updating protocols as indicated in the YouTube Video number 8 on MS Project https://youtu.be/XJSF5T4Eogc 



  • Provide three files:
  • The completed file MS Project baseline file with updates (for this assignment it’s okay to incorporate the update file with the baseline)
  • The MS Project recovery file
  • The Schedule Narrative, fill in the narrative template provided.







Mini Mart Scheduling Assignment

Marking Scheme


  • Schedule of this project starts on March 3rd, 2025, and finishes on November 14th, 2025 /5


  • Any National Holidays that cross your project should be scheduled as non-working days.


  • A resource sheet that displays all resources allocated to the project is constructed.


  • For this assignment ensure that your tasks are structured such that they would correspond with a payment schedule that you would have set up with your different subcontract agreements.  Make sure that you structure the accruals to correspond appropriately.  This applies to resources including materials, labor, and fixed costs.


  • There should be no resource over allocations showing on the final project. 



Technical Requirements Total                   /30 marks

Logic, Control, Narrative, and Tracking Requirements

  • The project should be scheduled in the most efficient manner, taking advantage of lead, lag, and concurrent scheduling.  Make sure that the logic of the schedule makes sense.  Has a good WBS



  • Once you complete the schedule save it as a baseline.  Develop a status date of July 1st, and update the schedule to that date, when you are updating adjust the timing to indicate some issues that occurred. The issues will result in a delay of 2 weeks (you determine the issues).



  • Write a schedule narrative as indicated by the template discussed in class.



  • On a separate file develop a recovery schedule that corresponds with your explanation developed in the schedule narrative and brings your schedule exactly back to the original baseline date.


                                                                                                                       Total                /70 marks