Major Report – Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment
Assessment Type Report
To facilitate students in gaining prac cal and work-integrated experience in a core area of public health prac ce, all students will undertake a desk-based research project applying equity-focused health impact assessment (EFHIA) of a program/ policy/ strategy/ proposal/ plan (i.e., an ‘ini a ve’) from the list provided or of their own choice (must be approved by Course Coordinator). As part of the project, students will screen, scope, iden fy, and assess poten al impacts of their chosen ini a ve and form dra recommenda ons from an equity and health focus. Throughout this project, students will learn and apply the key skills of cri cal reading, cri cal appraisal, academic reading and academic wri ng, researching ar cles, evidence-based impact assessment, and preparing evidence-based and ac on focussed recommenda ons. This is an amazing opportunity for students to prac cally apply the knowledge and skills that they have acquired during the course and their program to an exis ng public health issue. Their project report can then be forma ed as a manuscript and submi ed to a peer-review journal for publica on or converted into a policy brief and submi ed to relevant ministries. A er the comple on of the report, students may also add this research project to their CVs or resumes as their research project in applied EFHIA. |
Descrip on |
This will be a ‘Desk-based Rapid EFHIA’, where the chosen ini a ve will be assessed on how it may differen ally impact different vulnerable groups, especially whether nega ve impacts (e.g., loca ng a new factory, removing transport subsidies for school children) may be experienced more strongly by one group than others. More details about the EFHIA are present in Week8 – 9 The framework for conduc ng EFHIA is also given in the above learning materials. |
Length |
4000 words, exclusive of references and tables |
Due Date |
20-Augest @11:59 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) |
Submission Method |
Online, via Turnitin AI detector will be used |
Assessment Criteria |
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Assessment Type Report
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