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Major Irongate has her own issues with VBBC. Their presence in the state prison has settled down what had previously been a powder keg

Major Irongate has her own issues with VBBC. Their presence in the state prison has settled down what had previously been a powder keg of gang-related unrest. VBBC has become the dominate force in the prison. John “Jacky” Pole has been able to get the warring national/international gang members in the prison to suspend their violence and focus on drug-related profits. With tensions simmering just below the surface, Irongate knows the self-serving truce may be short lived. Major Irongate was also asked to represent the Virtual Detention Center. This facility holds arrestees awaiting a bail hearing, denied bail prior to trial or in transitional housing from the state prison to attend court. The jail also holds offenders serving short sentences for convictions on misdemeanor charges. Nearly all of the prison’s inmate population came through the Detention Center and may return there to be available for court appearances. Major Irongate is convinced that these “traveling” inmates are being used as “mules” for drugs and contraband cell phones.

Of the persons assembled by Chief Moore, only Dunbar represents a commercial, profit-driven agency. Simply put, these profits are the difference between the costs for the security provided and the fees Dunbar charges. Dunbar is eager to demonstrate a successful partnership with VPD and the Virtual Commercial Merchants’ Association as a stepping-stone to contracts with larger jurisdictions. In any case, Dunbar’s primary motivation is to make money.

Raymond Burr would applaud Chief Moore’s plan if he could, but as a pragmatist, he feels that this is a waste of time. He understands, if no one else at the table does, that plea bargaining is to only way the criminal justice system can do business. He has also warned the chief before that his detectives need additional training on establishing probable cause, proper interrogation procedures, appropriate charging, etc. If the VPD could get its act together he would love to prosecute a good solid case against the VBBC, but prosecuting a “looser” case will not solve the problem or help his own political ambitions.


Please read the Criminal Justice Virtual Alliance background (above) prior to beginning your assignment. Note that this background information will be used for each assignment in this course. Also note that the role that you are assigned (according to the first letter of your last name) is the role that you are assigned for the entire course assignment.

Assignment 1 – Agency Description

This assignment is based on one of the following criminal justice components (select the component that corresponds to the first letter of your last name). In each assignment in this course, it will be from the perspective of this role that you will be expected to address each part of the assignment.

Law Enforcement (Last name begins with: A- E)

Courts (Last name begins with: F-J)

Institution-Based Corrections (Last name begins with K- O)

Community-Based Corrections (i.e., Parole/Probation) (Last name begins with P-T)

Private Security (Last name begins with U-Z)

Note: Within your assigned role provided above, you may take on a role within that broad category. For example, if you have a law enforcement role, you may take on the role of the Captain, squad, shift or precinct commander, etc… Whatever specific role you choose in the broader category which you have been assigned (above) is the role that you will take throughout assignments1-3 in this course. Students are encouraged to (reasonably) embellish on the character of the person they are assigned and play that role to the fullest. Keep in mind the role’s span of control and from whom else in the component you might need to gain support from to accomplish your goal(s).

Directions: For this assignment you are to write a paper addressing the following:

Describe the primary role(s) and function(s) of your component.
Differentiate and discuss your component’s role and function from the other components .
Evaluate and discuss the inter- relatedness and inter- connectedness of the components (listed above) and how each of them plays a role in the management of the administration of justice within the Criminal Justice system.
Format Directions:

Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1”margins all around.

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