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Learning Through Play Dr Jane Webb-Williams Define terms – you must define all terms used within your essay. If you do not define the terms used then it is assumed you do not understand them

Learning Through Play Dr Jane Webb-Williams

  1. Define terms – you must define all terms used within your essay. If you do not define the terms used then it is assumed you do not understand them.
  2. Explain concepts-you need to explain the concepts you have mentioned in more detail to demonstrate your understanding
  3. 3) Unclear-your argument/discussion is muddled and unclear.
  4. Relevance to your play plan- you need to relate your discussion to your play plan.
  5. Repeat-there are parts of your assignment where you have repeated work
  6. Referencing-insufficient references included in your work. Your work needs to be supported by theory and research.
  7. Referencing-your referencing within the text needs improvement. Please consult the APA guide.
  8. Your reference list needs to be improved. There are errors in format or content.
  9. Referencing this source is inappropriate-references need to be from academic, credible, valid sources.
  10. Academic language-try to avoid the use of 1, we or you in the assignment and instead use the third person.
  11. Do not rely on long quotes from books or journals as this does not demonstrate your understanding-try to paraphrase yourself instead.
  12. Grammar grammar and/or punctuation needs improvement. 13) Spelling-please ensure you spell check before submission.
  13. Instructions-you have not followed the guidelines correctly and have made errors in regard to format, font size and/or template.
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