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L.W. is a nurse practitioner in an urban community. Many of her clients recently immigrated to the United States from various countries. She is challenged by the many different cultures she encounters

Discussion 1

Foundation for Health Promotion

Case 2


L.W. is a nurse practitioner in an
urban community. Many of her clients recently immigrated to the United States
from various countries. She is challenged by the many different cultures she encounters
and the different values and beliefs they hold toward Western medicine.

She is determined to earn her client’s
trust. She does this by providing healthcare services that are respectful of
each client’s health beliefs and practices and cultural needs. She knows she
must set aside her own values and beliefs to focus on what is important to
her clients in order for them to have successful outcomes.

Questions for the case

Give at least two examples of
emerging populations in the United States and describe their cultural
characteristics that might interfere with their healthcare.

discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:

1. Identify the different roles and responsibilities of the nurse.

2. Please discuss the challenges you anticipate facing when fulfilling the various roles of a nurse practitioner. How would you work to improve your weaknesses? Identify your strengths.

3. Which patient population is most likely to experience health disparities and why?

Discussion 2

Assessment of Health Promotion

For this Discussion, your instructor will assign you a case number.

Case 2


P.Q. is a nurse practitioner in a
rural, agricultural community. The community is populated mostly by Hispanic
families that work in the fields. Many of the families are migrant workers.
They stay in their community during the planting and harvesting seasons and
then migrate back to Mexico or to other communities where they can find work.

Many of the families that he helps
are struggling to stay together. Many parents must leave their young children
behind in Mexico. Husbands and wives are separated frequently, putting
additional stress on the family system. As a child of migrant farm workers,
P.Q. understands their predicament first-hand and is able to assist the
families he serves with viable health promotion plans.

Questions for the case

P.Q. uses the following five
measures of family functioning to determine the effectiveness of

in interaction patterns


to express emotions

to the needs of members as individuals


Define each one and give clinical

Discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:

1. An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included in health assessments to reach maximal health potential in individuals.

2. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.

3. Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care.

Discussion 3

Interventions for Health Promotion

Case 2


C.B. is a student nurse practitioner
completing her practicum in an office practice She assists the community with
blood pressure and immunization clinics. The primary roles in this setting
are education and health prevention.

C.B. has completed a population
assessment and determined that the community is lacking in organized physical
activities. The community that she is working in has a diverse age group
between 56 and 87 years of age, with the majority of the residents being
between 70 and 74 years of age. The members of the community are active in
the health screenings and clinics and enjoy including the nursing staff in
their activities.

Questions for the case

Which are the recommendations
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for older adults
regarding type, quantity and quality of exercise per week?

discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:

1. Define and describe the primary goals of screening.

2. Discuss your thoughts on the relationship between economics and nutrition. How would you advise people of low socioeconomic status to eat healthy on a budget? How would you respond to patients whose financial restraints limit their access to food?

3. Identify potential barriers to patient teaching and how you would address these barriers.

Discussion 4

Health Promotion in the Prenatal & Infant Population

Case 2


M.T. is a nurse practitioner in a
busy OBGYN clinic. Her clients include women from various socioeconomic and
cultural backgrounds. M.T. spends her time educating women about
interventions for a healthy pregnancy.

She promotes the physical, mental,
and spiritual health of her clients throughout the childbearing years.
Although she primarily works with pregnant woman, her ultimate goal is to
assist each family to have a healthy pregnancy and birth outcome and lay the
foundation for satisfactory parenting and family life.

Questions for the case

M.T. participates in community
health fairs educating childbearing-age women about healthy lifestyles that
can improve chances for a healthy pregnancy. Women should be made aware that
certain preconception interventions may improve not only the outcomes of
pregnancy but their overall health as well. Design a plan that fits the needs
for the health fair that M.T. is participating. List the recommendations and
the rationales.

Discuss the 2 topics listed below for your case

1. Describe the relationship between culture and growth and development. Assess whether all growth and development milestones should be applied to all children regardless of cultural background.

2. Design a teaching plan for parents regarding injury prevention during infancy. In your teaching plan, you must include the home of an infant injury-proof.

Discussion 5

Health Promotion & Adolescent

Case 2


E.J. is a nurse in an elementary
school setting. Health promotion at the school-age level is a critical time
when behaviors can be influenced before unhealthful patterns have become the
standard. Healthy behaviors are taught and modeled by the nurse as well as
the teachers in the school.

She has a diverse set of roles. She
provides direct care to ill or injured students when needed. She also
coordinates vision and hearing screenings, tracks immunization compliance,
provides referrals, and participates in the care and planning of special
needs students. She is aware that she has high rates of students with asthma
and allergies, so she monitors the air quality index in her community.

Questions for the case

The prevention of overweight and
obesity is critically important during the school-age years. Which educational
interventions as a Nurse practitioner you should give to your school-age

Discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case

1. Discuss appropriate interventions for adolescents suspected of having an eating disorder. Describe how they would initiate conversations with adolescents about this issue.

2. Describe the physical changes of adolescents that include natural processes of biology and genetics

3. Discuss the prevalence of violence among adolescents. Identify ways that healthcare practitioners can help prevent and educate adolescents about these issues.

Discussion 6

Health Promotion & Middle-Age Adults

Case 2


K.Y. is an employee-health nurse
practitioner for a large corporation. Her role is to advocate for her clients
by helping them improve their quality of life, both for the present and the
future, through the identification of risk factors, health promotion, and
other nursing interventions. The majority of the employees She sees are middle-aged

Her clients come to see her for a
variety of reasons, including stress, mental illness, and on-the-job
injuries. K.Y. assists her clients by providing education about healthy
lifestyle choices, referrals to community resources, and counseling.

Questions for the case

Make a summary of the typical
biological changes in the middle-aged adult.

Discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:

1. how you would advise young adults in selecting contraceptive methods? Do you have any personal, or religious reservations, or discomforts that would interfere with your ability to advise clients and ask them how they would address these personal conflicts?

2. Have students develop a smoking cessation plan for a client.

3. Evaluate the impact of poverty on older adults. Make sure to include the impact on their physical and mental health and health promotion recommendations.

Submission Instructions:

· Your initial post should be at least 500 words for each discussion, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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