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Influences of glacial history and physiography of British Columbia on the migration patterns of paleolithic humans into North America. • The geography of pre-contact Aboriginal territories and settl

GEOG 2231: Geography of British Columbia                                                                           1

Assignment 2: Peoples of British Columbia

About Assignment 2

This assignment is marked out of 100 and is worth 5 per cent of your final mark in the course. It covers the following topics:

Influences of glacial history and physiography of British Columbia on the migration patterns of paleolithic humans into North America.

The geography of pre-contact Aboriginal territories and settlements; impacts of European contact on First Nations from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries; Aboriginal rights after 1945; modern treaties and the future.

European territorial claims in the Pacific Northwest; the impact of gold rushes, railways, European settlement of the province, and displacement of First Nations over the last 200 years.

The immigration and diffusion of Asians (Chinese, Japanese, and East Indians) over the last 200 years, including fur trading, the gold rushes, and growth of fishing and forestry; periods of restriction and exclusion from 1901 to 1947 and the impact on immigration and diffusion of Asians; the policies, factors, and impacts of the Japanese relocation diffusion from 1942 to 1949; and post-war immigration and integration of Asians.

Part 1: First Nations in the Pacific Northwest

(25 marks)

1.      Using examples from British Columbia, for each of the following terms or events, provide a brief definition:

a.      Oral tradition             (5 marks)

b.     Fiduciary trust           (5 marks)

c.      Calder case (1973)      (5 marks)

2.      How and why did policies and attitudes toward the First Nations  (10 marks) change in the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia  between 1851 and 1871?

2                                                                             Assignment 2: Peoples of British Columbia

The following website will help you define concepts or answer questions in this part of the assignment:

BC Treaty Commission

Accessing this website is not required to complete this part of the assignment successfully.

Part 2: Europeans in the Pacific Northwest

(25 marks)

1.      When did exploration of the Pacific Northwest begin, and which           (10 marks)  European nations (and individuals) were involved in the develop- ment of the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia  prior to confederation with Canada in 1871?

2.      Outline the important geopolitical factors that influenced the  (10 marks)  pre-Confederation boundaries of Vancouver Island and New  Caledonia (later the colony of British Columbia) between 1825  and 1863, shown in Figure 4.4 (page 66) and Figure 4.7 (page 69)  of the course text Geography of British Columbia, People and Landscapes  in Transition, and as discussed in Chapter 7 in British Columbia, the  Pacific Province.

3.      Identify some of the important environmental, cultural, and       (5 marks) economic consequences of gold-mining activities, settlement,  and other land uses in the Fraser Valley and Cariboo during the  1860s. What were some of the natural hazards and risks faced by non-Aboriginal settlers?

The following useful website will help you define concepts or answer questions in this part of the assignment:

Statistics Canada, Population and Demography

Accessing these websites is not required to complete this part of the assignment successfully.

GEOG 2231: Geography of British Columbia                                                                           3

Part 3: Asians in the Pacific Northwest

(25 marks)

1.      Using examples from British Columbia, for each of the following terms provide a brief definition, including a diagram, sketch, or map if appropriate.

a.      Workingmen’s Protective Association        (5 marks)

b.     Punjab region             (5 marks)

c.      Nisei   (5 marks)

2.      Briefly describe the process of educational segregation and how (10 marks)  it was used as a tool of institutional racism against Chinese-

Canadians in British Columbia during the early twentieth century.

The following useful website will help you define concepts or answer questions in this part of the assignment:

Statistics Canada, Population and Demography

Accessing these websites is not required to complete this part of the assignment successfully.

Part 4: Review of Unit 2

(25 marks)

Prepare an essay on ONE of the following topics. Your essay should be no longer than 500 words (one to two pages). Illustrate your essay with relevant examples, diagrams, tables, and references to the course texts and other resources.

Complete ONE of the questions below:

1.      Account for the persistence of Aboriginal settlement in the Pacific Northwest and describe the changes to the way of life for First Nations following the arrival of Europeans in the late 1700s.

2.      Discuss how the natural environment, geopolitical history, economic development, and European culture influenced the development of British Columbia during the nineteenth century.

3.      Describe the important driving forces and pattern of Japanese relocation diffusion in British Columbia between 1942 and 1949.

4                                                                             Assignment 2: Peoples of British Columbia

How to Submit Your Assignment

Remember to make a copy of your work before sending the completed assignment to your Open Learning Faculty Member for marking.

Follow the instructions in “How to Submit an Assignment Using Assignment Tool” posted within the “Assignments Overview” area.

Final Project Reminder

Allocate some time as you work through Unit 2 and the assignment to the collection, analysis, and evaluation of material for the Final Project. Incorporate the knowledge gained from the text readings, additional resources, topic overviews, self-assessed practice exercises, and the unit assignment into the design of your research essay.

Remember, the Final Project is worth 25 per cent of your final mark.

This is the end of Assignment 2.

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