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Imagine that you had been the one tasked to report this study’s findings in the same newspaper, magazine, TV show, and/or website. Create a new print article (2 pages double-spaced including images)

Health Communication Assignment #1

Important: Due Date: Thursday, April 6th

Class: Health Communication

Media Report

Media Report

4-page paper, double-spaced


Every day, there seems to be a health-related study that grabs the headlines of national news media outlets. You may see these sensational headlines on your TV or mobile device, or hear about them on the radio. Given your field of study, friends and family may call you and ask your opinion on these topics. You may find yourself feeling confused regarding how to make sense of the information being presented to the world and how to talk with others about it. This assignment is designed to help you have these conversations; to be a critical consumer and savvy communicator of media-based health news reports.

Find a health study that was reported in a large newspaper, magazine, TV show, and/or website. Then, find the actual study in the scientific journal (see below for several obesity-related suggestions). Review the news report and the journal article, in detail. This assignment has three parts:

1. In the first 2 double-spaced pages, address the following:

Imagine that you had been the one tasked to report this study’s findings in the same newspaper, magazine, TV show, and/or website. Create a new print article (2 pages double-spaced including images) summarizing the study. In doing so, be sure to address the flaws of the original report. Remember, this is for the media. So, it needs to be creative and drive home the reason we should care about this research. At the same time, it should be accurate and reflect the research conducted.

2. In the next 2 double-spaced pages, address the following:

a. Summarize of research paper

b. Summarize of media article

c. Summarize areas of agreement and disagreement between the research paper and media article

d. Summarize problems with inaccurate media reporting and the potential benefits of media interest in this specific health topic

e. Summarize what changes you made in your new print article and why you made those changes


1) News article (captures main points, addresses primary concerns, is effective and creative)

30 points possible _______

2) Summary of research paper

10 points possible _______

3) Summary of media article

10 points possible _______

4) Areas of agreement (10 points) and disagreement (10 points)

20 points possible _______

5) Problems with inaccurate media reporting (10 points) and the potential benefits of media interest in this specific health topic (10 points)

20 points possible _______

6) Changes made in new print article

10 points possible _______

Total points: ___________ (out of 100 possible points)

Possible options for media report:

       Headline: Weight-Loss Surgery Sheds Pounds Long Term.

       Study: Bariatric Surgery and Long-term Durability of Weight Loss.

       Headline: Study PROVES Eating PIZZA Could Help You LOSE Weight.

       Study:  The Benefits of Behaving Badly on Occasion: Successful Regulation by Planned Hedonic Deviations.

       Headline: Dig Into that Bowl of Pasta: Italian Scientists Say It Isn’t Fattening.

       Study: Association of pasta consumption was negatively associated with BMI, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio.

       Headline: To Keep Obesity at Bay, Exercise May Trump Diet.

       Study: Comparison of Diet Versus Exercise on Metabolic Function and Gut Microbiota in Obese Rats.

       Headline: Wine and Coffee Lovers, Drink Up! It’s Great for Your Microbiome.

       Study: Population-based Metagenomics Analysis Associates Various Factors with Gut Microbiome Composition and Diversity.

         Headline: Parent’s harsh tactics raise child’s obesity risk.

         Study: Longitudinal Association Between Observed Parenting Practices and Self-reported Physical Health or Self-reported BMI in White, North-central Iowa Adolescents.

       Headline: Study: Reducing the Size of Plates is the Key to Solving Obesity.

       Study: Meta-analysis of Plate Sizes and Amount Self-served or Consumed.

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