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Identifying, assessing, and addressing human resource management issues that affect the long-term objective of an organisation is a key responsibility of the Human resource manager. When done correctly, this can

Task Description:

This assessment consists of a capstone case study analysis, which will be completed individually and submitted on the Blackboard site. The aim of the assessment is for students to apply and integrate the frameworks, models, and concepts from this course by analysing a case scenario.


Identifying, assessing, and addressing human resource management issues that affect the long-term objective of an organisation is a key responsibility of the Human resource manager.

When done correctly, this can confirm the value of the Human Resources function. Successful implementation of HRM practices doesn’t necessarily involve a big budget and a large team. The best HRM practices come in many different forms and often encompass creativity, passion and the ability to make a difference, whatever the size of the organisation.

Consider this assessment as a briefing by an internal HR manager (i.e. you, inside the case organisation) reporting to your executive team (i.e. me, the CEO of the case organisation).


The purpose of this report is to conduct an in-depth analysis of an Human Resource Management issue in a Multinational company. (see the case study in the Assessment 3 folder on blackboard).

Using the HRM literature, models and lecture contents, you will analyse the case study, articulate the Human Resources problem/issue. You will individually select and develop your own solutions as a model of best practice for the specific organisation optimising their human capital. All solutions will be written in the report.


You will produce a 2000-word business report with at least 10 academic peerreviewed sources. Your report will address the following:

  • A clear articulation of the human resource management issue/problem stating why it is important to address this issue/problem in the organisation
  • Evaluation of the antecedents to the issue/problem
  • An overview of the ethical implications behind the issue/problem
  • Solutions and recommendations which are based on one or more of the models explored in the course during the semester.
  • A clear justification for recommendations/solutions.

Some Questions to consider on the Case: (American Airlines Case Study)

  1. How well has American Airlines been doing in the era of deregulation?
  2. What is your assessment of its strategy in the 90s?
  3. What changes in strategy, if any, would you suggest?
  4. As Bob Crandall, with what issues would you want Teri Teat, Vice President for Personnel, to be concerned?
  5. What are the most important linkages between American Airlines HR Strategy and its competitive strategy during the period 1983 – 1990?
  6. What are other strengths and weaknesses of the HR Strategy?
  7. What steps should the company take in HR to cope with the conditions that exist in 1990?
  8. What changes in policies and systems would you make?
  9. What changes in workplace attitudes and behaviours would you try to achieve? How?
  10. What changes in the institutional relationships with unions would you try to achieve, including for example, the relative bargaining power of the parties? How?
  11. Evaluate the human resource systems at American Airlines in 1990, prior to the pilots’ contract settlement, in terms of their internal coherence and relationship to American Airlines business goals.
  12. Given the outcome of the 1991 pilot contract settlement, what is your plan to manage costs, productivity and quality at American Airlines in the future?
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