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Human Resource Management Paper Analyze the different cultures and world-views that inform human thinking and actions, and respond constructively

Human Resource Management Paper Analyze the different cultures and world-views that inform human thinking and actions, and respond constructively to human and global differences in workplaces, communities, and organizations. (https://courses.lumenlearning.com/olemiss-writ250/chapter/analysis/)

Write a paper that compares and contrasts the cultures from the table in Part 1. Use three additional sources and include the GLOBE resources) to support your analysis of the two cultures. This paper should be around three to four pages in length. Your paper should not be a simple description – it should show evidence of analysis and synthesis of the information. Analysis and Synthesis. https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparison/china,the-usa/ Grading Criteria: Paper uses at least three different relevant sources, as well as the GLOBE project. Sources are directly related to the topic of organizational or societal culture. The paper compares and contrasts the two different cultures clearly and is more in depth than a simple description. Evidence of analysis and synthesis. There is clear application and elaboration on how these cultural dimensions impact behavior in these societies, especially in organizations and business. The paper complies completely with APA guidelines for style, references, and formatting.

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