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Hi see instructions there is 2 links to be read and answer questions please copy

Hi see instructions there is 2 links to be read and answer questions please copy and paste the link in search bar 
Explore the following links and answer the questions:
https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/school-readiness/article/family-engagement-transitionsLinks to an external site.
https://www.parentcenterhub.org/iep-transition/Links to an external site.  
How does planning transitions tie into the content of this course?
Why is it important to engage families in the transition process?  Be specific. 
What would a high-quality transition plan look like for a child? What information would it include?  Who would be part of developing it and why?  
4. What resources would you provide to parents about transitions. What is the purpose behind these resources? (provide 2-3 examples of links or PDF’s of brochures, etc.)

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