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Health Promotion and Maintenance-Homework Week 1NAME:

Health Promotion and Maintenance-Homework Week 1
NAME: _______________________________________________________
Young Adults (20-35 years)-Fundamentals ATI

What are the risks facing young adults ages 20-35 with regards to their health? Please list five.

What nutrient should be monitored for a woman who is the age group 20-35? What are the best sources of this nutrient? Please list 4.

What are the common psychosocial developments that occur during this age? List eight.

A young adult is visiting the clinic for a routine health care visit. What data should be collected from the client? What education should the nurse include during the visit?

Discuss the immunizations an individual of this age should be prepared to receive?

What specific screening tests should a female receive starting at age? Name two. What about a male? Name one

A 21-year old female has just been told by the physician that her biopsy results indicate breast cancer. What would be the most appropriate next action for the nurse to take?
a) Ask the client if she has any questions
b) Encourage the client to talk about her feelings
c) Leave the client alone for awhile
d) Call the chaplain for the client

A female client reports that for the last 4 months a lump in her right breast has been growing larger. The nurse should recommend that client take which action?
a) Notify her physician to schedule a mammogram
b) Begin taking large doses of vitamins
c) Limit sodium intake
d) Stop hormone treatment

Cynthia Beck is a healthy 25-year old woman. Which of the following is a normal age-related physical change that you would expect her to experience?
a) An increase in bone cells
b) A decrease in muscle cells
c) An increase in new brain cells
d) A loss of some elasticity in the lungs

A sign of maturity in adulthood is the individual’s ability to:
a) Exert excessive self-restrain
b) Develop an interest in community activities
c) Make life choices based upon the advice of others
d) Frequently change jobs

Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids include:
a) Salmon, trout, bluefish
b) Milk, butter, and cheese
c) Shrimp, clams and lobster
d) Eggs, liver and kidneys

The best time to instruct a client to perform a breast self-exam is:
a) 1 week after menses
b) 1 week before menses
c) At any time during the month
d) At or about the 10th day of the month

Which of the following has the highest risk of heart disease?
a)  A 36-year-old man with a cholesterol level of 210
b) A 27-year-old patient whose dietary protein intake is 15% of the total intake
c) A 20-year-old man on a vegetarian diet
d) A 20-year-old man on a vegetarian diet

Thirty-eight -year-old Sandra complains of insomnia.  You would instruct her that in order to relieve the insomnia it is best if she:
a)  Eats a high-fat meal ½ hour before sleep
b) Exercises in the early afternoon
c) Goes to bed only when she is tired
d) Gets into bed and watches television

The nurse discussing diet and nutrition in the workplace with a group of women in their early adult years cautions them to decrease their intake of foods that contain cholesterol because this can lead to: (Select all that apply)
a) Deposits along the walls of the blood vessels
b) Blockage of blood flow to the heart
c) A heart attack
d) Lower blood sugar level
e) Reduced elasticity in the lungs

Middle Adults
Age 35-65 years

Name some of the physical declines that occur during the ages of 35 to 65. List 6

What are the primary health risks for clients during this age?

What are the important health screenings that need to occur during this age?

What nutritional education should a nurse give to a client who is 55 years old?

A 42-year-old woman comes to the clinic and asks you the nurse if she needs a mammogram and a Pap and HPV screening. Her last Pap was 2 years ago. She has never had a HPV screening and her last mammogram was 11 months ago. List when she is due for a Pap smear, HPV screening and mammogram based upon the recommendations for a woman her age.

Adult males need to receive screening for prostate cancer. At what age should a male start screening? How often are the screenings? Describe the screening.

A community health nurse is discussing the body-image and self-concept characteristics with middle age adults that can occur during this stage of life. Discuss three characteristics for body-image and three characteristics for self-concept of concern for this stage of life.

John, aged 42, has been complaining of difficulty voiding. The most common cause of voiding difficulty in this age group is: 
a) Decreased testosterone
b) Atrophy of the gonads
c) Urinary tract infection
d) Enlarged prostate

The nurse in a community setting provides guidance and educates middle-aged clients as to the developmental tasks for this stage, including (Select all that apply)
a) Adjusting to menopause
b) Establishing a positive influence on one’s children and community
c) Adjusting to role changes
d) Establishing leisure interests
e) Possibly changing careers
f) Adjusting to changes in sexuality

Forty-two-year old Beverly has a history of periodontal disease. You would instruct her that to prevent a flare-up, she should:
a) Increase her intake of sucrose
b) Increase her intake of calcium
c) Keep the oral mucosa dry
d) Perform proper dental care

Cynthia Fox is a 55-year-odl woman who has recently been diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease. She asks the licensed practical nurse (LPN) if this disease has occurred because she didn’t breast feed her two children. This LPN’s best response is:
a) Don’t worry. Nothing you could have done would result in this disease
b) There is nothing you can do at this tie to halt the course of this condition
c) This disease results from hormonal stimulation of the breast tissue
d) Breast feeding your children usually will decrease the risk of this disease

Which of the following best represents the dietary recommendations for the middle-aged adult?
a) High carbohydrates, low fat
b) High fiber, low fat and sodium
c) High protein, calories and fats
d) Atkins South Beach, or Jenny Craig diets

A hypertensive client returns to the clinic for reevaluation of his medications. His blood pressure is 180/100. The nurse questions the client regarding how he is taking his medications. What response by the client indicates that he understands and has been taking the medication as prescribed?
a) “I take my medications every morning. If my blood pressure is high, I take another dose int the evening”.
b) “I take my medication every day at the same time regardless of how a I feel. I have not missed any doses”
c) “I take my medication every day and make sure that I drink a large amount of liquid each time I take it”.
d) “If I have a headache, I don’t take my mediation. If I miss the morning dose, then I take two pills in the evening”.

The nurse is preparing a 40-year-old for diagnostic testing to determine if she has malignancy I her reproductive system. The client is having difficulty concentrating, appears tense and is wringing her hands constantly. Which response should the nurse make?
a) You seem to be anxious about the tests. Tell me what you ae thinking about
b) You need to pay more attention to what I’m saying You will be less anxious if you understand these tests;
c) Why are you so restless? Your physician is very good
d) I know you are worried about the tests but I a sure everything will be ok

Before administering calcium gluconate 10% 500 mg IV stat it is most important that the nurse assess:
a) Stability of the respiratory system
b) Adequacy of urine output
c) Patency of the vein
d) Availability of magnesium sulfate injection

Older Adults
(65 years and Older)

Discuss the differences between delirium and dementia

What are the health risks that individuals over 65 years are at risk for?

List 8 safety recommendations for adults older than 65 years

Discuss 3 nutritional recommendations for older adults

What are 2 immunizations that are recommended for adults over the age of 65?

Many physical changes occur with aging; For each of the following body systems discuss 2 changes expected for individuals over 65. Also include the impact these hangs have on their well-being.
EXAMPLE: Decreased sense of touch. Possible injury from water being too hot or too cold when showering bathing or washing hands.






What health screening should an adult over age 65 receive?

Elder abuse is generally seen:
a) In individuals at lower economic strata
b) Only in one specific ethnic group
c) Across all social boundaries
d) Only in disadvantaged persons

Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of delirium?
a) Onset over weeks
b) Irreversible
c) Chronic and progressive
d) May result from acute illness

Older people are at increased risk for falling because of:
a) An accumulation of cerumen
b) Postmenopausal symptoms
c) A shift in the center of gravity
d) Marked decrease in height

Dementia seen in the older adult
a) Is always irreversible
b) Is a natural outcome of aging
c) Is a symptom of an underlying disorder
d) Is caused by Alzheimer’s disease

As the nurse is making midnight rounds, a geriatric client complains that his feet are cold. Which action would the nurse do FIRST?
a) Examine the feet for presence of pulses and adequacy of circulation
b) Elevate the foot of the bed and rub the feet to increase circulation
c) Fill a hot water bottle, wrap it in a pillowcase and pace it on the feet
d) Bring a warm drink to relax and warm the client

A geriatric client newly diagnosed with diabetes, is being discharged. She is alert, orientated and able to independently maintain her activities of daily living. Treatment will consist of a 1500-calorie diet, insulin and regular exercise by walking 30 minutes a day. What is a priority concern at the time the client is discharged?
a) Does the client have adequate vision and manual dexterity to administer her own insulin?
b) Does the client understand the impact diabetes will have on her lifestyle?
c) Since the client is living alone does, she need Home Health are to check on her daily?
d) Does the client understand how to perform her daily urinary sugar ad acetone determinations?

A 75-year-old client is admitted to an inpatient geriatric psychiatric unit n the early stage of the Alzheimer’s disease process. Which symptoms would be expected in this stage?
a) Increased muscle tone and rigidity
b) Restless and pacing
c) Extension of the head and neck muscles
d) Shuffling gait

While planning care for an elderly client with dementia, which plan would be a priority?
a) Encourage dependency with activities of daily living
b) Provide flexibility in schedules due to menta confusion
c) Limit reminiscing due to poor memory
d) Speak slowly and in a face-to-face position

Which observation would most likely represent care-giver burnout int the daughter of an 80-year-old Alzheimer’s client?
a) Failure of daughter to get parent into wheelchair daily
b) Home environment extremely cluttered at each visit
c) Daughter remains involved in Family’s activities
d) Husband is seen assisting in mother-in-law care

Which nursing diagnosis stated correctly for a 75-year-old with Parkinson’s disease who was just admitted from home to the Medial Unit with sever weakness from malnutrition?
a) Impaired nutrition related to sepsis
b) Impaired home maintenance management related to inability to fee self
c) Impaired nutrition related to Parkinson’s disease
d) Impaired physical mobility related to weakness

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