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HE 315: Health & the Consumer Evaluation Rubric for Advertising and Media Techniques Analysis Please focus your assignment on an ad or ads you think may be fraudulent or examples

HE 315: Health & the Consumer

Evaluation Rubric for Advertising and Media Techniques Analysis

Please focus your assignment on an ad or ads you think may be fraudulent or examples of quackery. Use these headers for your paper: Description of Advertisement/Brochure/Product, Intended Audience & Appeal, Advertisement/Brochure/Product Purpose & Objective(s), Suspicion of Quackery/Fraud & Description, Evidence of Doublespeak, Half-Truths, and other Promotional Techniques, Quackery/Fraud Victim Characteristics, and Response by Consumer. You can use more than one ad and are encouraged to include photos, videos, and links. Apply the concepts you learned in Butler.





Description of the Advertisement/Brochure/Product:

Does the Analysis specifically describe the advertisement, brochure, or product, citing the sponsor or company that produces or markets it? Does the Analysis include a picture/video and/or link the product and/or advertisement?

2 points

The Analysis specifically describes the advertisement, brochure, or product, citing the sponsor or company that produces or markets it. The Analysis includes a picture/video and/or link to the product and/or advertisement.

1.8 – 2 Points

The Analysis in part describes the advertisement, brochure, or product, citing the sponsor or company that produces or markets it. The Analysis may include a picture/video and/or link to the product and/or advertisement.

1.4 – 1.8 Points

The Analysis does not specifically describe the advertisement, brochure, or product, citing the sponsor or company that produces or markets it. The Analysis does not include a picture/video and/or link to the product and/or advertisement.

0 – 1.4 Points

Intended Audience & Appeal:

Does the Analysis clearly describe the intended audience of the advertisement, brochure, or product, explaining explicitly why it might be appealing to this particular audience?

2 Points

The Analysis clearly describes the intended audience of the advertisement, brochure, or product, explaining explicitly why it might be appealing to this particular audience.

1.8 – 2 Points

The Analysis somewhat describes the intended audience of the advertisement, brochure, or product, explaining to a degree why it might be appealing to this particular audience.

1.4 – 1.8 Points

The Analysis does not clearly describe the intended audience of the advertisement, brochure, or product, and does not explicitly explain why it might be appealing to this particular audience.

0 – 1.4 Points

Advertisement/Brochure/Product Purpose & Objective(s):

Does the Analysis describe the advertisement, brochure, or product’s purpose (the overall reason it was produced) as well as the specific and measurable actions it hopes to accomplish (what consumers should do or be able to do after reading/viewing/using the product)?

3 Points

The Analysis describes the advertisement, brochure, or product’s purpose (the overall reason it was produced) as well as the specific and measurable actions it hopes to accomplish (what consumers should do or be able to do after reading/viewing/using the product).

2.7 – 3 Points

The Analysis to some extent describes the advertisement, brochure, or product’s purpose (the overall reason it was produced) as well as partially mentions actions it hopes to accomplish (what consumers should do or be able to do after reading/viewing/using the product).

2.1 – 2.7 Points

The Analysis minimally describes the advertisement, brochure, or product’s purpose (the overall reason it was produced) and may not discuss the specific and measurable actions it hopes to accomplish (what consumers should do or be able to do after reading/viewing/using the product).

0 – 2.1 Points

Suspicion of Quackery/Fraud & Description:

Does the Analysis cite the specific reason(s) for suspicion of quackery or fraud (what seems too good to be true, scientifically skewed, unbelievable, etc.)? Does the Analysis use support from Butler to support the suspicion?

3 Points

The Analysis cites the specific reason(s) for suspicion of quackery or fraud (what seems too good to be true, scientifically skewed, unbelievable, etc.). The Analysis uses support from Butler to support the suspicion.

2.7 – 3 Points

The Analysis partially mentions reason(s) for suspicion of quackery or fraud (what seems too good to be true, scientifically skewed, unbelievable, etc.). The Analysis may use support from Butler to support the suspicion.

2.1 – 2.7 Points

The Analysis may not cite the specific reason(s) for suspicion of quackery or fraud (what seems too good to be true, scientifically skewed, unbelievable, etc.). The Analysis may not use support from Butler to support the suspicion.

0 – 2.1 Points

Evidence of Doublespeak, Half-Truths, and other Promotional Techniques:

Does the Analysis clearly identify evidence of doublespeak, half-truths, and/or other promotional language in the advertisement, brochure, or product and sustain this identification with support from Butler?

3 Points

The Analysis clearly identifies evidence of doublespeak, half-truths, and/or other promotional language in the advertisement, brochure, or product and sustains this identification with support from Butler.

2.7 – 3 Points

The Analysis in some measure identifies evidence of doublespeak, half-truths, and/or other promotional language in the advertisement, brochure, or product and may sustain this identification with support from Butler.

2.1 – 2.7 Points

The Analysis minimally identifies evidence of doublespeak, half-truths, and/or other promotional language in the advertisement, brochure, or product and may not sustain this identification with support from Butler.

0 – 2.1 Points

Quackery/Fraud Victim Characteristics:

Does the Analysis identify and describe the types of consumer characteristics (lack of suspicion, desperation, alienation, belief in magic, overconfidence, etc.) that may lead them to fall victim to the type of quackery/fraud that this advertisement, brochure, or product uses?

5 Points

The Analysis identifies and describes the types of consumer characteristics (lack of suspicion, desperation, alienation, belief in magic, overconfidence, etc.) that may lead them to fall victim to the type of quackery/fraud that this advertisement, brochure, or product uses.

4.5– 5 Points

The Analysis, in part, identifies and describes the types of consumer characteristics (lack of suspicion, desperation, alienation, belief in magic, overconfidence, etc.) that may lead them to fall victim to the type of quackery/fraud that this advertisement, brochure, or product uses.

3.5 – 4.5 Points

The Analysis minimally identifies and describes the types of consumer characteristics (lack of suspicion, desperation, alienation, belief in magic, overconfidence, etc.) that may lead them to fall victim to the type of quackery/fraud that this advertisement, brochure, or product uses.

0 – 3.5 Points

Response by Consumer:

Does the Analysis clearly describe and discuss different options the consumer may have to combat the quackery/fraud encountered as a result of this advertisement, brochure, or product (contact the FDA, the FCC, the US Postal Service, or other consumer protection agencies, etc.)?

5 Points

The Analysis clearly describes and discusses different options the consumer may have to combat the quackery/fraud encountered as a result of this advertisement, brochure, or product.

4.5– 5 Points

The Analysis somewhat describes and discusses different options the consumer may have to combat the quackery/fraud encountered as a result of this advertisement, brochure, or product.

3.5 – 4.5 Points

The Analysis insufficiently describes and discusses different options the consumer may have to combat the quackery/fraud encountered as a result of this advertisement, brochure, or product.

0 – 3.5 Points


Does the Analysis display evidence of thorough proofreading in terms of correct and best use of the English language and grammar and correct spelling?

2.5 Points

The Analysis displays evidence of thorough proofreading in terms of correct and best use of the English language and grammar and correct spelling throughout the document.

2.25 – 2.5 Points

The Analysis displays evidence of proofreading in terms of mostly correct and good use of the English language and grammar, and mostly correct spelling throughout the document.

1.75 – 2.25 Points

The Analysis may not display evidence of proofreading in terms of good use of the English language and grammar, and good spelling throughout the document.

0 – 1.75 Points

Adherence to APA Style:

Is the Analysis formatted according to the latest APA style guide including, but not limited to: the cover page, parenthetical citations, page formatting (font, spacing, etc.) and the reference page?

2 Points

The Analysis is formatted according to the latest APA style guide including, but not limited to: the cover page, parenthetical citations, page formatting, and the reference page

1.8 – 2 Points

The Analysis is mostly formatted according to the latest APA style guide including, but not limited to: the cover page, parenthetical citations, page formatting, and the reference page.

1.4 – 1.8 Points

The Analysis may not be formatted according to the latest APA style guide including, not limited to: the cover page, parenthetical citations, page formatting, and the reference page.

0 – 1.4 Points

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