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Greetings All, I am seeking assistance completing the two-part assignment below

Greetings All,
I am seeking assistance
completing the two-part assignment below. Outline and Introduction of
Institution Advancement Plan.
The capstone project for this course is
intended to provide you with the opportunity to describe an institutional
advancement plan for an organization.  You will not refer to any specific
organization.  Instead, you will remain in an objective vs a subjective
context for this final paper.  
In preparation for writing your
capstone project, create an outline of your institutional advancement
plan.  After the outline is created, write the introduction of the plan.
Begin identifying the three required sources (outside the textbook) that
you intend to cite in your plan.  Identifying and citing at least two
sources is required for this Outline and Introduction assignment.  
Assignment 8c: Institutional
Advancement Plan
Write a 10 page
fundraising plan for a nonprofit organization.  This paper should:
Address how the organization will generate
gift income at the level required by the annual budget. Understand that this
advancement plan is a subset of the broader organizational strategic plan. 
Include relationship-building strategies and
annual funds, major gifts, planned giving, and capital campaign initiatives.
Finally, look at the entire advancement plan
through the lens of biblical steward leadership.
Answer the question, “Why would a
potential customer or client choose a particular organization for the products
and or services that the organization provides?” 
Use at least four sources, of which one
may be a textbook for this course.
Remember to include a title
page, abstract, running header, and references page (in APA format) with your
submission. These do not count toward the total page count.
Reference Below 
Finkler, S. A., Calabrese,
T. D., & Smith, D. L. (2023). Financial
Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations (7th ed.). CQ Press.

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I am seeking assistance
completing the two-part assignment below appeared first on essaynook.com.

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